Letter ID: 0481
Reference: TNA, SP 84/51/55 f.55r-56v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0481/008
Date: 25 July 1595



Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecill knight of her Majesties privie Councel.

Endorsed: 25 July 1595 Master Bodley to my Master

Later Addition: 25 July 95


May it please your H. I will not faile to morowe in the after noone, to give my attendance at your chamber, beseeching yow the while to consi- der of those doubtes, that I have moved in the schedule which I send yow heereinclosed, and to affourde me at my comming suche particular direction, as your H. thinkes expedient. And so I take my humble leave. London July 25 Your H. most humble at commaundement. Tho. Bodley
