Reference: TNA, SP 84/50/187 f.193r-194v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0477/008
Date: 25 May 1595
fol.194vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecyll Knight of her Highnes privy Councel
Endorsed: 25 Maij 1595 Master Bodley to my Master
Later Addition: 29 May 95
May it please your H. to morowe to appoint me any houre to repaire unto yow, and I will give my attendance. For though my health be not suche, as is ready for the voiage, I will be very willing, to knowe her Majesties pleasure, and I will streine my self to all that I finde my self able: wherein hoping that your H. will procure me from her Majestie a more gratious returne, then I have had a welcome home, which I will alwaies ac- knowledge for a singular favor, I take my humble leave. Your H. humble at commaundement Tho. Bodley.