Reference: TNA, SP 84/50/108 f.113r-116v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0473/008
Date: 22 March 1595
Copies: 1245
fol.116vAddressed: 22. 18 Martij 1594. M of a lettre to Master Bodeleye./
Endorsed: Sent by the ordinary post /
Later Addition: March 22 94/5
Sir After my hartie Commendacions. Theare have comen hither, at one one time /of this [.]/ sondrie your lettres of divers dates. The eldest of the xiiijth of the last moneth, and other of the xxijth of the /viz/ the xxijth /xxiiijth/ and xxvjth of the last moneth and the last of the iiijth of this moneth, for a all which have been imparted unto her Majestie, and for awnsweare to somuch of the same lettres, as are thowght fitt to be awnsweared, yowe shall understand hir Majesties plesure to be as followethe./.
Hir Majestie liketh vearie well of your maner of dealing with the Statesin the demaund of Reembursement of such monies as have been expended by hir Majestie for them thes manie yeares withowt rendringe anie satisfaccion to hir Majesty by repaiment of such monie; /any part/ and althowgh theie did alledge manie Courses of their dishabillitie, yet your perticular awn- sweares made unto their objections appeare so sufficient to hir Majestie, as the same, being [.] unto them, there is noe apparance of reason for them to replie against the same, for wheare theie alledge, that they are at charges of reparacions and garrisons of the Townes latelie [reduced] unto them yt was well awnsweared by yowe, in that they have nowe in Contri- bucion divers partes in Brabant, Flanders, the Omelandes the Drent, and other Cuntries, which doe yeld them monethly Contribucions: As also an increase of their subsedies in Gelderland Zutphen, & Overisel and [besides] that they have [imposicions] newely fol.113v
awnsweared owt of the townes lately wonne, as in Newmegen, Zutphen, Deventer, Stenwick, Breda Hulst, Stenberg, Groninghen, & other places: all which augmentacions have accrewed unto them since their first Treaties /by them/ with hir Majestie: soe as yt maye be plainelie sayd that theare state is increased almost to the doble [.] of that they had before: and of the wealthe of the Contrye theare can be noe better argument made, then that which yowe have alledged that the whole Contrye is so replenished with inhabitantes and frequented with Strangers as yt is hard to hire howses for habitacion at anie price: But towchinge the /last/ objection which theie made, alledginge yt to be verye dowbtfull and dangerous to make a resolute awnswere withowt the /[p'roty] of the/ Province and people, least the same might discontent them, and /comfort/ [[pleasure] the Ennemie in which respect theie replie to be forborne untill they mighte [laie] theare alledgacions /layd/ open to hir Majesty, before they showld publishe hir messuage to the Provinces: hir Majestie is of your opinoin that this is but a devise of a dilatorie awnsweare, for that hir Majesties demaund is grownded /uppon/ justice and reason: and the same beinge soe opened by the deputies of Provinces to the people, hir Majestie dowbteth not but the people will allowe aswell /better/ thereof, as /than/ of other the like demaundes made for monie to be spent in Frawnce uppon the fol.114r
Frenche K. to whome theie weare not bownd by anie Contract, as they are unto hir Majesty in [.] /nor from whom they had receaved ani succor in ther necessite [.] of [.]/ thearefore hir Majestie wold have yowe require A newe Awdience, and to lett them understand howe much hir Majestie disliketh of their awnsweare in delaie, and Considering hir demaundes are just and honorable, She dowbteth not, but the same beinge sincerely and plainelie opened to the Provinces, theie will yeld by reasonable Contri- bucion to satisfie her Majestie some good portion of the debt due unto hir, yelding /for the same/ yearelye a portion at every half yeare: and bicawse yowe did alledge that yowe cowld not saie in certainetie howe much hir Majestie presentlye demaunded to be restored yowe maie saie, that seeinge the whole Charges of hir Majesties paimentes are [.] above seaven or eight hundred thowsand powndes, or rather more, yowe maie saie if they would yeld for this first yeare, one hundred thowsand powndes to be paid at two paimentes /by equall porcions/ every half yeare, & so to continue, hir Majestie, would beare with the rest to be paid yearelye according to that rate.
by your last lettres we yow have certefyed of certen lettres intercepted wrytten by the old fox and Jesuit William Creyyhton, wherof [.] hath some ciphres which we [here] hope shall be deciphered. and you shall do well to use all meanes, hereafter to intercept the lyk fol.114v
After that I had written thus farre for awnsweare of your former letters, theare came letters of yours of the xiiijth of this moneth, whearebie yowe doe advertize the lack of resolucion to be geven unto yowe to be the longe absence of the deputies of Gelderland, and Overisell which yowe write is greatlie wondred at theare, and yet by the report yowe make of the great [inundacions] made in thos Cuntries, with great Calamities both to the townes and people, maie probablie [seme] sum cawse of theire saie./
The next matter of this lettre is your report of sum Intelligence yowe have had by Confydence with sum of the Scottish nation that Collonell Steward showld have sum secrett Instruction to solicitt the States for the aide of 1000 foote and 500 horse for 6 monethes, or rather for so much monie as may serve for them, with request to have 3 monethes pay owt of hand, and yet yowe cannot perceive by the Coronell Steward, that he hath moved anie suche thinge to the States, but in generall termes to require succor./ Uppon this case you have entred into sum probable conceipt, that yowe have reason to dislike yt uppon divers reasons that you doe alledge: and for that the Coronell hath told yowe that he thowght the States resolucion woulde fol.115r
depend uppon hir Majesties allowance or your owne, so as if yowe would signifie hir Majesties likeinge hereof theare would be noe stoppe: so as you have forborne to geve him anie direct awnsweare, but doe require what corse yowe might observe when yowe shall speake of thes affayres: of all which hir Majestie hath been duelie informed by hering of your [.] lettres read: And for awnswear hir Majestie would have yowe, if yowe be pressed either by him or the States to declare that she hath geven unto him thes late yeares good sommes of monie spetially to be emploied to subdue hir Rebellious subjectes, whearein she hath seen him so directed by pertiallitie of Counsell favoring the Rebells, as little hath been done either with the Q. aide, or with his owne charges: and in the ende, she understandeth owt of Scotland, that the principall Rebells have in sum sort compounded with the K. of remittall of their offence, and to have license to goe owt of the Realme & to enjoye theire fol.115v
liveloodes, so as hir Majestie seeth noe cawse for the K. to raise up anie further forces against them: and therefore she thinketh that this compo- sicion made by the Rebells with the K. hath been Concluded, since Collonell Steward came owt of Scotland: yet nevertheles, if he shall having knowledge of that Composicion betwixt the K. and the Rebells have anie newe Commission from the K. to require this succor, hir Majestie would well like thereof to have the K. gratefied: and this is hir Majesties pleisure that if yowe be moved to showe hir opinion, yowe maie geve awnswere accordingly./.
I feare that thes great Inundacions & wast of the Cuntries will increase the allegacions of the States for delaie of paiment./
Wheare yowe thinke yowe might be hable to decipher the letter of Cri Gordon Crighton: I doe send unto yowe herewith the Copie thereof as I received yt from yowe.
I praie yowe thanke Master Guilpin from mee for his lettres of the 14 heareof, to whome my healthe nor leisure serveth mee at this time to write, which I meane godwilling to doe by my next./
From the Cort this 22 of Marche 1594.