Reference: BL, Harleian 287 fol.224r-225v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1382/008
Date: 27 August 1594
Copy of: 0054
fol.225vEndorsed: 27 August 1594. From my Lord Thresurer./.
Later Addition: To Sir Thomas Bodley in Holland touching the Ayd by the Hollanderes in the Queenes Jurney to Breste in bryttany 36 Elizabeth
Later Addition: 1594 27 August To Master Bodly
Sir I have the xxvjth day of this August receaved yours of the xiiijth being the last lettre comme to my hands from you: By which yt appeareth you make aunswere to myne of the 3d whereby I did wryte unto you as particularlie as I mighte of the succors which hir Majestie required of the States, and yet me thincketh you still stande in dowbt what is the determination of the Quene, so as except they may have more certaintie of hir Majesties proceedings then appeareth yet unto them, they will but temporize at home: and yet you do write that Monsieur Caron hath let them to knowe that hir Majestie hath sent 14 of hir shipps towards Plimmouth wherewith it seemeth they are not mooved, because you have not expressed it unto them, by any direction from hence: and yet yf you doo paruse my lettre of the third you shall well parceave what I did signifie to be hir Majesties desyre: so as yf you did take knowledge thereof, you were sufficientlie in structed what to demaunde of them; And in that as you say your suite hath bin in all your lettres that you might more expreslie and directlie knowe hir Majesties intentions, I do thinck you ought to be satisfyed with my lettre of the vijth of July, whereby I did briefly require you to recommende unto the States, the particular demands which were dll by Monsieur Caron, but you sayd it was not signifyed unto you what those demaunds might importe: and herein you neede not to be so precize as that you might not have recomended the same unto them, and referred you to Carones demaunds, whoe was commaunded suddenlie to expedite the same, and so he promised to doo, and hath alwaies aunswered us directely that the States were well contented therewith, and that he had lettres from the States of Zelande, promysing to prepare the sayd shipping, so as I sawe no cause to wryte any more particularly unto you thereof, untill by my lettre of the 3 of August, I did expresse what her Majesties meaning was and I thinck it not amisse for the clearing of your conceipt, that you are not advertised as you would be, I would you should understande that my burden is greate otherwyse to aunswere farre greater matters, and that somtimes I am absent, and somtimes syck, whereas yf I had no other charge then to aunswere and instruct you as you have nothing else to doo but in your owne negociation, you might heare oftener from me. And whereas in some other parte of your lettre you say thereis varietie betwixt my wryting and a wryting dll unto you by the fol.224vStates, as from Caron, I am glad that mine doth expresse xij shippes, where their wryting is for tenne, soe as by my wrytinge, you had good warrant to presse them for xij, being more advantage to the service; and yf you account that a fawlt in my wryting I am content to aunswere thereto afore any that shall blame me therfore: and where also you say that my diretion ys that the shipping should come to Portesmouth, and Carons wryting to Dovar or the Downes, I am glad also that my direction hath more advantage for the service, and yet to reconcile both distinguenda sunt tempora, for when Caron had his order our shipping was then to goe owt of the Thanni so as then the meeting of both the fleete was intended to be at Dovar or the Downes: But afterwarde by the comming owt of time, and the Quenes shippes ready to departe for Portesmouth, It was no yll direction to appoint the States shippes also to come thither being more forward for the service, and a better porte to rest in then Dover. You make also an other dowbt in that the States stood in dowbt whither her Majesties resolution continewed, because there followed a coun- termaunde to Caron, which indeade had not continewaunce 6 howers, for immediately Master Caron was niewlie required to proceede in the first direction notwithstanding the countermaund, and so I did cleare that dowbt unto you in my lettre, wherein I could not better satisfie you Furthermore where I did alledge, what the States had wrytten to Master de Caron of the xxixth of July, I will still avowe yt so to be reported by Master Caron, not onely to me but to the Quene, and howsoever the States beare you in hande with shewing a copie of their lettre sent to Caron, I do rayther presume to credit Caron then their copie of their lettre, in that I fynde them unwilling to doo this service, which is to so good a purpose, as though her Majestie had not pressed them thereto, they ought to have offred yt and not with these trifling aunsweres to delay yt as they have donne, and so yt appeareth their unwillingnes. And where they seeme to stande still uppon the dowbt of the countermaunde I am assured that Caron was ad- vertised within 6 howres after the countermaund was given, that he should proceede as at the first he was directed, and so he did within a day or two after promyse to wryte unto the States, and I do beleve he did parfourme his promyse: but in this matter I see plainly the tryfling of the States, and unwillingnes whatsoever they give owt in words for now (as you fol.225r
wryte) when you moove them for 30 lastes of powder they make you no good aunsweare thereunto, but differre it untill all the Deputies of the States be come togither, so as I see howsoever you have bin lately instructed or not thoroughly, yet when you are both instructed, and deale with them in a point necessary you can get no aunsweare.
You wunder much that your advertisement of the taking of Groeninghen cam so lately hither, as indeede it did though you say Master Gilpin and you dispatched a post therewith, for in trueth the newes thereof, were particularly certifyed to my L. of Essex, and common in London before we could heare a worde thereof from you: and therefore your post ought to make better aunswere thereunto for his negligence: And yf it be as you say, that your post brought your lettres to my L. of Essex then he dealt lyke A varlet with me to keepe my lettres so long after my L. had received his. You require to me to pardon you a litle that you speake to me with some plainnes, when you feele your selfe encombred with the burden of your service for want of dew information: and so do I require you to beare with me in plaine wryting that do fynde you more scrupulous then neede is. And so wishing you that you would requyre some resolute resolution of the States of that they are disposed to doo withowt using cavillations, as yt seemeth they do at this time, and so they do in all negociations you have with them giving generall good words, and yet in particularity making alwayes delayes. I thinck my next dispatch unto you shalbe to send you her Majesties lettre according to your desyre to lycense your comming from thence which stayeth a few dayes untill a consultation may be had, for sending of an expresse message to the Archduke Ernestus from hence, of which matter you shall have information to deliver the same to the States. From Grenwych the 27 of August. 1594. Your loving friend William Burghley