Letter ID: 1371
Reference: BL, Harleian 287 fol. 212r-212bv
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1371/008
Date: 24 June 1594
Copy of: 0445



Endorsed: 24 June



Later Addition: Belgia [bis] 1594 24 June

Maye it please your good L: having nothing to negotiat till I heare from your L: which I have not done as yet sins I came out of England I am humbly to beseech you, yf you thincke it soe meete, to lette me know as soone as maye be to what effect I shall addresse my further dealing with the States. They have taken suche order for supplie of the garrisons, as it is not to be doubted, but the enemies forces beyng presentlie dispersed they are very well provided, as yeat theyr mea- ning is further as occasion shall requyre to see them furnished as fully as they have bin at any time: I have alsoe earnestly sollicited to know an answear about the Shipping which the Provinceswill send to the enterprise of Brittanie, wherein I doe perceave by private communication with some of their Deputies, that they have full com- mission sent unto them, to take what order they thincke meete. But for as much as my selfe am utterlie ignorant, both of the number of Shippes, that her Majestie will arme, and of the time that is assigned of their putting to Sea; and of other besides very necessarie pointes to be knowne to them heere, before they can resolve. I am forced to forbeare from dealing further with them, till her Highnes further pleasure be notified unto me. From the Campe before Groeninghen we are thus advertised. That the 13 daye of this moneth the Bourghers made offer to capitulat with Co: Maurice, requesting him to send his Deputies unto them: which he promised to doe, soe that they would send him hostages, till the Deputies returned, where unto when they had yealded the Co. sent his Trompette to conduct the hostages unto him. But while the Trompet was within the soldiers of Verdugo which laye intrenched in the Suburbes, and were as is thought 700 in number, by the practise of Jesuits, and with assistance of certain mariners, and such others of the towne as disliked to capitulat, had a gate sette open to them, by which they entred unwares to the contrarie faction, put many to the sword that were in consultation, advaunced their ensignes about the walles of the towne, and committed besydes divers insolent actes. This was done the 15 of this present, but was unknowne to our armie, till a Bourgher that escaped and lepte over the walles, came to tell it Co: Maurice, wherupon the nexte daye after he sent them a Drumme, to requyre his trompette and to know their resolution. In the tyme of their parley, fol.212v
it was accorded on both sides that the great Artillerie should not playe, which was a singular furtherance to the finishing of our workes, having pearced by that meanes into 4 severall places of their dyke, which now they la- bour to fill up. The 17 daye at night the trompett beyng returned, Co: Maurice was certefied that the Bourghers had prevailed against the Soldiers of Verdugo, and had driven them againe into their trenches in the Suburbes, which is called there the Schuytendiep. And presently upon it they renued their further sute, by a lettre to the Count requesting him againe to capitulate with them, wherunto he condescended, but re- fusing to be bownde as he had done before, not to use his great Artillery which he perceaved by some prisonners did more terrifie the Bourghers, with their firie bullets, then anie other force or practise of the Armie. They required in lyke manner that although they should conferre, and agree upon conditions, they might yet be permitted to take 14 dayes respite, to see what succor would come to them, which they seemed to demand, because Co: Maurice once before had seemed to make them such an offer. Howbeyt by his lettre of the 19 he replyed unto them, that thinges were now in an other estate, and sith that before they reje- cted his offer, he would not graunt soe much agayne, but in the worde of a Prince he would assure them that was no succor towardes, using speeches of persuasion to drawe them to compownde without fur- ther delaye. How this lettre is accepted we doe not understand: but everie man supposeth, and their manner of proceeding doth in- sinuat no lesse, but that they purpose to surrender.

Having had the sight of an Abstract of the Emperors proposition in the Diet of Ratisbone, I thought that if your L. had not seene it before, I should not doe amisse to imparte it unto you, for which I send it heere inclosed. And soe I take my humble leave. From the Haghe. June 24 1594.
