Reference: BL, Harleian 287 fol.208br-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1369/008
Date: 11 June 1594
Copies: 0032
Later Addition: Belgia 1594 xj June
Maye it please your good L. We have lived in good hope that Groeninghen ere this would have yelded to Co: Maurice, which hath caused me to staye from writing of the Parley, which began the second of this moneth, and continued till the sixte. They have been content to receave Co: Maurice lettres at two severall lettres tymes, to imparte them to the Commons and Bourghe[[rs]] of the Towne, to intreate the messenger courteouslie, and to make a very friendlie though a dilatorie aunswear. But the sixt of this moneth, as the Count was informed by the meanes of a prisonner, they were re- quyred by Verdugo to attend but 9 dayes longer promising by that tyme to come to their rescue. Three dayes after that message they desired of Co. Maurice to have 6 dayes respite to deliberate, which was neith[[er]] accorded nor rejected, soe as our armie doth proceede in the advancing of their workes, having brought their approches above 6 dayes since within 1 lenght of a pike of the Ditche of the Towne, and are in hope therwithall to gette possession of a Ravelin, soe as it is thought, that sith Verdugo is not able to send them any succor, for that the passages are stopped the Towne will be ours by faire meanes or by force, within the space of xx dayes, which is a matter more importing the good estate of these Contreis, then as many Townes and places as they have taken these three yeares. For it will not be onelie an assurance for Friseland, and for the Provinces adjoyning, but a general como- ditie for their commerce with Germanie: and the union of these Provinces wilbe strenghtened therby, by an other entier Province, which is Groeninghen and the Omlandes (for soe they doe terme all the territorie about it) besydes that the consequence will draw many things with it, which cannot but redounde to the singular benefitt of this people Since I parted from home I have had noe lettre from your L: which forceth me to staye as I signified I would in my first to your L: and in an other letter sins which I sent Sir Robert Cecill, by which I craved to understand, if her Majestie rest satisfied with the aunswer of the States, or what her pleasure is further to injoyne me about it, And soe for this present I take my humble leave. From the Haghe June 11 1594.href=""