Letter ID: 0453
Reference: TNA, SP 84/49/35 f.35r-36v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0453/008
Date: 13 July 1594



Addressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecill knight of her Highnes privy Councel

Endorsed: 13 Julij 1594. Master Bodley to my Master From the Haghe Newes from Deventer of the surrendring of Groninghen

Later Addition: 13 July 94


May it please your H. Presently upon the sealing of my former, we had intelligence from De- venter that Groeninghen surrendred the 10 of this moneth, whiche is not yet signified from the Campe unto us: but we expect it every houre, and in the meane season we hold the newes to be very certaine. It is a singular victorie for the good of these contreis, whose union is the stronger, by an other entier, and very riche Province, suche as will have the meanes, and that very shortly, to contribut to the warres as muche as Zelande or Friseland. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. July 13 Your H. at commaundement Tho. Bodley
