Letter ID: 0050
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.173r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0050/008
Date: 27 July 1594



Later Addition: July

Sir Your last letters came to my hands weare of the xth of Julie, and an other of the next daie followinge. By both which it did appeare that at the time of your writinge, you expected the Rendringe of Groninghen, thowgh yow cowld not certainelye write the same: And yet your letters comminge to mee the xxvth of this monethe, the same daie my L. of Essex had letters from the Campe, that the Towne was rendred, so as I dowbt not but [knowe] after the writinge of your letters of the xjth yow had the certaintie. [.] Nowe uppon this service ended, it is likelie her Majestie will enter into sum consideracion for your further emploiment there with the States: and at this present hir Majestie looketh to be satisfied with a request made to the States, for sum assistance unto hir Majestie in the service of Britaigne with their Shippes: and other helpes towardes that service, which trewelie is of as great importance as anie thinge attempted by hir Majestie thes late yeares./ From Grenwych. 27 of Juli 1594 Your assured loving frend William Burghley
