Letter ID: 0044
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.164r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0044/008
Date: 03 August 1594
Copy of: 0459



Later Addition: [Bo]dly

Sir. Upon the first daie of this moneth at one instant I receaved three letters from you, 2 of the xxj of the last month, and the 3d of the 29 by both the former it appeareth, that upon the receipt of my lettres of the 7 of July, declaring her Majesties purpose to rescue Brest, and request to have their assistance by sea, you had conference with the States about the same, in whome you found good disposition to assist her Majestie in that enterprise with 9 or 10 shippes. But yet because you were not able to delcare unto them the particularities of hir Majesties resolution for the time and the Rendez voz, neither /with/ the number of hir Majesties shippes, soldiers, Munition and powder they could not make present determination with you, and yet nevertheles it appeareth by your second Letter, that Monsieur Caron had advertised the States particularlie of her Majesties purpose, as the same was determined in my house the 15 of the laste past and conferring with you theruppon, you alleadged that you had not understood the particular pointes thereof, and soe it seemeth by your writing, that for lacke of your information, the matter was at a staye, although it might appeare well unto you by their owne reporte, that her Majesties demaundes was to have 9 or 10 shippes for tenne monneths, wherein they found no difficultie to yeald unto the Quene, nor to the provision of 20000 waight of powder: and yet they could not well conceave what was ment by a request of 2 moneths victuels for 2000 men: they also seemed lacke in that there was noe mention made of mu- nicion, nor of greater quantitie of powder, for the recoverie of the Forte of Brest. And by your letter of the 28 yt seemeth that upon a lettre written by Monsieur de Caron unto them the very xvth daye of July, that he was coun- termanded the same daye, by all which uncerteinties it hath fallen out very unlukelie; that these preparations of the States have honge in suspence: and cannot be executed soe soone as the tyme requireth. But for clearing of all these former scrupules, you shall understand that the very xvth of July. Monsieur Caron was directed not onelie what to demaunde of the States, but at what tyme the same was required, and what were the forces than determined by her Majestie. And though it was true that the same daye he was written unto by my sonneupon the Quenes commandement, that he should staye the sending awaye of his lettres for the present, untill he might be newly spoken withall, which was ment to be the next daye, and having received that countermande he made aunswer presentlie, that he had alreadie sent awaye his lettres to the states, agreable to the motions made to him the sayd xvth wherwith her Majestie beyng made acquainted, she was very well sufficed, and allowed of his dilligence, and soe untill the very tyme of the receite of this your latter letters, we were in opinion and expectation fol.164v
to have heard of these assistances of the States Shippes and other th[eir ] provisions to have bin at Portesmouth, before the fift of this present [mo-] neth. And now to explaine the demaundes as they were made, It i[s true] there were demaunded 12 shippes at the least, and victuels for 2000 me[n] that might serve by lande for two months, and as I thincke but 20000 w[eight] of powder, without anie wordes of Munition. But now to reduce our [de-] mandes to more certeintie, her Majestie can be contented with tenne shippes [, if] otherwise the States shall not yeld to 12 and for the victuels, considering [that] which is alleadged of the darthe of victuals there and the cheapenes heer[e that] demaunde maye be forborne, although at this present by the unseasonnabl[enes of] the yeare I thincke the darth of victuels is more heere then there, cons[ide-] ring the provision of Corne that readilie is to be had out of the East Co[ntries] into those. As for the small quantitie of powder demanded, I think [the] same was mistaken in writing for indeede 20000 waight of powder is [little] more then 8 lasts, soe as it is now rather required to have three[score] thowsand, which is not xxx lasts and yet if xxx lasts maye be had, it shall well content her Majestie, and soe I hope they will yeald there[unto] and if it shalbe more, it shalbe more thanckefull. At this tyme [we] have had speeche with Monsieur Caron, declaring to him the uncertain[ties] gathered by your letter; whereunto for our better satisfaction, he shew[eth us] lettres written unto hym from the Haghe the 29 of July, wherby in exp[ress] wordes they write, that they are readie to send awaye their assistance[, ma-] king noe mention of any doubt or delaye therein, and yet neverthele[s he] is directed to write backe againe thither with all speede, to haste[n the] same, by whome I doe send these my lettres to you at this tyme. From the Court this 3d of August 1594.

Postscript: We are certeinlie advertised that Laon is rendred to the Kinge and the D. de Mayne and Aumale and chassed out of Amiens.
