Letter ID: 0036
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.147r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0036/008
Date: 17 July 1594
Note: At the words 'I would there were any thing' on fol.147r, the text continues perpendicular in the left hand margin. This document is badly damaged by fire.



Endorsed: July 17 1594



Later Addition: 1594 17 July To Master Bowes in Scotland

Sir, I am lately returned hither, to request th[e as-] sistance of the states, in joining with her Majestie to d[[rive]] the Spaniard out of Britaine. As yet they hav[[e not]] given their answear unto it, but I hope to obtain[[e it]] in very good sort. The occasion of my writing [[is]] to recommend to your acquaintance, the bearers herof the [[De-]] puties of this Contrey, to whome I have signified of [[your]] being in those partes, and they are greatly desirous [[to be]] knowen unto yow, as they are gentlemen well wo[[rthy]] of your frindship and Love. The eldest is Mo[nsieur] de Brederode, a gentleman of the greatest meanes, and [[of the]] ancientest nobilitie of Holland. The other is Mons[ieur Valke] treasurer of Zeland, and a man most respecte[d of] any in that Province: and as I thinke in this Am[[bassade]] he shall be the spokesman. They are bothe very [[.]] to all of our nation, and suche as may steede, ether y[ow] or your frindes, if yow chance to have to deale with any [of] these Provinces, so as no body more. If they sha[[ll]] need yow in any thing, for that they are ignorant [of] the maner and fashion of that contrey, and perhaps [of] those ceremonies, whereto they are deputed, I pr[[ay]] vouchesafe to deale familiarly with them, and to ad[[vise]] them for the best: as also in returning, if they p[[.]] by England homeward, to assist them as yow [[.]] your friendliest direction. For I can assure yo[w that] they are well esteemed of her Majestie and yow w[[ill not]] repent yow of any frindship /don/ unto them. Of [[.]] of these contreis, I neede to tell yow nothing, conside[[ring]] they are with yow: but we triumphe heere exceeding [[.]] for the taking of Groeninghen: which is a very happy [[.]] for the state of these contreis, who are stronger then th[[ey]] were, by an other whole Province, which will undoubtedly [[.]] be able, and that in very short time, to contribut to the [[.]] warres, as muche as any of all the Provinces, onely Holland excepted. In effect, God hath blessed them heere [exceedingly] /notably/ I would there were any thing ether here, or wheresoever, wherein my best service [[might]] turne yow to some pleasure, assure your self to finde it, in all your occasions. And so with all [[the .]] wishes to all your actions and desires, I bidde yow hartely farewell. From the Hage Ju[[ly 17]] Your most affectionat to doe yow service Tho. [Bodley]

Postscript: Monsieur Brederode, besides his owne language, speaketh frenche, Master Valke both frenche and Latin, and it is for his [[.]]
