Letter ID: 1425
Reference: Kent U1475, C18/30, fol.288r - 289v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1425/008
Date: 22 January 1593
Note: At the words 'it is also proposed', the writing continues perpendicular in the left hand margin.



Addressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney knight Lord Gouvernor of the towne of Flushing

Later Addition: 22 Jan 15[92] Master Bodly

Later Addition: [15]92 Master Bodley



Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney

By your L. letter by this bearer, and by an other before, which was sent me from Flushing, I see yow have no care, howe farre yow putte me in your debt, before yow knowe in what sort I am able to discharge it. But I finde methinkes againe, that my affection is as muche, as yow desire for repaiment, till your turne may be served with some better requital. And if that be your meaning, yow shall see I will able to crosse out your booke. It does trouble me greatly, and is exceedingly prejudicial to my privat estat, that not onely I can not gette from this place, but that I can not come to knowledge whereto I may trust: for which no order can be taken, in much of my busines. I doe see in the end I must addresse my petition to her Majesties handes, and put it in adventure howe other men will like it. As in the meane season I am to thank your L. infinitly, for your loving remembrance in inquiring about me. The affaires of this contrey doe stand I knowe not howe. For they are half in a manere what to do this Councel, some inclining to doe like, and some to make a levie, as I write yow in my last. But I thinke in conclu- sio, they will falle to doe litle. For it will be this moneth, before the Provinces will meete to showe what line they will contribut, to the making of a levie. Count holmes is heere to gette some soldieres out of Holland, for an incursion into Flanders, whereas I thinke he will withold assent. It is also proposed and like to take place, that there may be a succor of ten thousand pound sterling yelded to the Frenche king for the levie of 2000 men for certaine moneths. Other mater heere is none that is worth the writing, and I will not take all from this bearers relatiom: but still I recommend my last suite to your L. as I may yow unto me recommend what yow please where my service may ad- vance any business of yowrs. From the Hage 22 January 1592 Your L. most ready at commaundement, Tho. Bodley.
