Letter ID: 0600
Reference: TNA, PC 2/20/265
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0600/008
Date: 07 March 1593
Note: Privy Council copy.


A lettre to Master Bodeley. Sir Edward Norreys Governor of Ostend hathe made humble suite unto us that for the better defence of that place (in respecte the Ennemy hathe againe erected the fortes that formerlie were wont to blocke up the passages aboute the same. whereby the Ennemy makethe attemptes even to the gates and there kill and distresse the Sentelnells, and Companie of horse might be sent to reside in that Garrison where upon order is given that the Companie of Sir John Pooley nowe remayning at Bergen opt Zome shall forthewith repare to Ostende. And because they are to be provided of convenient shipping for their transportacion of the States. we have thought good to requier you presentelie upon the receipte herof to deale with the Counsaill of Estate that direction be presentelie given for some convenient number of meete and sufficient vessells to be had for their saufe transpor- tacion, as also of neede be to remove the Companie from Berghen to Ostende, which because yt shall be for the benefitt of hir owne service we doubte not but they will readely accomplishe Howebeit if you shall find any slacknes in them, you maie not faile to urge and stirre them thereunto in as earnest manner as you maie. In the meane tyme we have written our lettres to Sir Thomas Morgan to further by all good meanes their passage awaie where we praie you also to yeild them your best furderance that no unnecessary delaie be used. And so we &c.