Letter ID: 0440
Reference: TNA, SP 84/46/143 f.114r-115v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0440/008
Date: 28 May 1593
Note: The later addition on the address leaf erroneously states the date as April.



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England

Endorsed: 28 Maij 1593 Master Bodeley. to my L. Count Charles Mannsfeild retorned out of Fraunce The waters about Gertrurenbergh overflowen.

Later Addition: 28 April 93


May it please your good L. I had no sooner sealed my former unto yow, but we had lettres from divers places, that the Co. Charles Mansfild is returned out of France, and commeth with speede to the aide of his father. And besides it is written from the campe unto us, that by reason of a Northwest winde, which hath blowen very harde for these 3 daies together, the waters about Gertrudenbergh have overflowen our approches, and done us more hindrance, then can be reco- vered in 10 or 12 daies. Which I thought very fitte to adde to my former lettre, and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. May 28 1593. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.

Postscript: I should certifie your L. in what maner this Councel doth proceede with Sir Thomas Morgan, but sith his mater is not ended, and it would be very tedious, to discourse it at full, I have thought it most expedient, to reserve it till my comming, to declare it by worde of mouth.
