Letter ID: 0436
Reference: TNA, SP 84/46/98 f.97r-99v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0436/008
Date: 12 April 1593
Copies: 0025 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 12 April 1593. Master Bodeleie to my L./

Later Addition: 12 April 93


May it please your good L. I can not answear, as I would, the letter that yow sent me by Sir Francis Vere, till he and I may conferre very thorowly together. For he hath sent the lettres owt of Zeland, with a copie of his Instructions: but he himself is gone directly to Co. Maurice to the campe. Howbeit, by that which your L. doth write of his message, and by all that I conceave by his Instructions in writing, (unles he hath receaved some secret chardge be- sides) I doubt there will be litle effected by his comming. For it may please yow to remember, what I writte of this mater the 4 day of February All their dealing in this place, hath bin but privat and secret, not imparted to the states, nor to any of this Councel, but onely handled by some fewe, as I writte then at length: for which I am in doubt, that Co. Maurice will dislike, to be sent unto in publike. For it can not be concealed, that her Majestie hath sent Sir Francis unto him, and I feare it will abroade, for what occasion he is sent. Neither the one, nor the other, will be pleasing to the Count: who would not have it bruited, that he proceedeth of himself, in a mater of that moment, without the privitie of the contrey. Had it bin so, that either the answear of her Majestie had bin sent unto me, to whome the project at first was delivered by the parties, or that Sir Francis had but come, as a privat person to the campe, and so negotiated with the Count, I am wholy of beleefe (submitting it humbly to the censure of your L.) that more had bin obtened by that kinde of meanes, then I see can be hoped, by that course that hath bin taken. But howsoever, the states are not mette, without whose approbation, no certaine answeare will be given, nor I can not understand fol.97v
when they purpose to assemble. And though they were mette together, yet considering howe the Count is enga- ged in this siege, before the towne of Gertrudenbergh, before they shall have seene what successe will come of it, they will hardly be induced, to resolve in other sort, then I writte before unto yow. And athough it should succeede, aswell as they could wishe, yet the forces of this countrey being farre insufficient, to un- dertake the other siege (as I advertised your L. of the numbers required, and of the state of their present strength) they must either be assisted by the power of her Majestie or make so great a levie, as I can see no appearance, that they are willing, or well able, with this yeres con- tribution. Having spoken with Sir Francis Vere, whose comming from the campe I expect every day, I hope to write of these maters more pertinently unto yow. It is reported at this present, that Noyon being taken, either all or some part of those forces of the Enemie, shall returne for these partes.

Among divers letters intercepted, whiche were late- ly sent hither, of which some were in Cipher, as I writte unto your L. the 7 of this present, I have sent yow heer- inclosed an extract of one, which was written by Ver- dugo, to the old Co. Mansfeld, and is to my understan- ding of special consideration. I have also sent yow an other note, which I extracted of a letter, that was written from Andwerp, by a man of good qualitie, to a gentleman heere. And though it tende to that effect, as hath bin spoaken long agoe, yet sith it is written very freshly from thens, I thought it not unworthy the sending unto yow. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 12 1593. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.


Postscript: I am advertised that Master Caron, upon the informa- tion of the towne of Flushing, hath declared to her Majestie and your L. that I should promise the states, If so be they would discharge the one half of that debt which is due to certaine poore widowes from the companies of Captains Randolf and Wingfeeld, her Highnes would be pleased to defray the other moitie, wherein those of Flushing doe me very great wrong, as I have written lately to them. For though it be two yeres agoe, sins I dealt in that mater, yet I remember very well, that where certaine Deputies of the states were sent unto me to negotiat therein, of which one was Vanderwerke, who understoode the Englishe tongue, for his better satisfaction, in our conference together, I read the letter unto him in the presence of the rest, which your L. writte unto me astouching that mater: wherein yow had signified, that if I could not prevaile, to gette the whole debt to be disboursed by the states, yet in case I could gette them to yelde to some good portion therof, it might be some occasion to induce her Highnes for charitie, to relieve the parties with some other portion. This is either forgotten, by those of Flushing, be- cause it is long sins thei dealt with me in it, or thei would serve their owne, termes, by devising suche a promise, to obtene their suite more easely.
