Reference: TNA, SP 84/46/29 f.27r-29v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0430/008
Date: 24 January 1593
Copies: 0004
fol.29vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 24 January 1592 Master Bodeleie to my L. By Master Brune.
Later Addition: 24 January 92/3
May it please your good L. The bearer heerof Master Brune, whose letter unto me from Amsterdam [In margin: Master Brune]
I sent in my last the 16 of this moneth, upon the sight of my answear, is come hither to the Hage, and is very well contented, upon talke between us, to sur- cease his suite in these contreis, and repaire in person to your L. without attending any passeport. For I have fully persuaded him, that the cariage of my letter to your L. and indorsed upon, For her Highnes spe- cial service, will be warrant good enough to protect him from his creditors: and though it were not sufficient, yet the occasion of his comming being knowen to your L. he might be well assured, that present order will be taken for his safe being there, with further con- sideration for his charges, and travail. And forasmuche as those maters, which he will signifie unto yow, concerne some great abuses, that are practised heere, he thought it very requisit, to discover them unto me: and I attend to knowe upon it, howe your L. will be pleased to commaund me to proceede. What disorders are committed in the Mintes [In margin: Mint.]
of these contreis, aswell in regard of the multitude of them, as of other badde courses, Master Brune can informe yow, as muche as /is/ needefull. The state of the contrey doth grieve at it greatly, and finde very hardly any meanes, as this gouvernment standes, to redresse it by autoritie. Nevertheles at their last assemblie in November they resolved with this Councel, to establishe those orders, that were pub- lished by Placart, in the yere 86 with consent of my L. of Leicester. Master Brune hath with him a copie of the Placart, and I have sent an Extract heereinclosed fol.27v
of their last resolution. Having lately bin enjoined, by a letter from her Majestie to resume the cause of Coronel Sonoy, I have delivered her letter in their ordinary college, and as her Highnes required I have touched them roundly, for the sleight regard that they have had to her instant intercession, which I also exhibited in writing unto them, and have sent yow the transcript. I have also commoned in suche sort with some in particular, that nowe I am in hope, more then ever heere tofore. Howbeit because it is a mater that can not be resolved, but in a meeting of the Deputies of all the townes of Holland, which assem- ble not heere till the 28 of the next, they have differred till then to determine upon it. In the meane while, it will steede the Coronel very muche, if her Majestie will continue to speake to Master Caron, in confor- mitie of that, which I have proposed. Wherof I knowe from time to time he will advertise those of Hol- land, which will quicken them muche against the time. The General states, who ap- pointed to meete about the middle of this moneth, are not like to come together, till the end of the next. For some of the Provinces, as it seemeth, will not yeld to contribut, as it hath bin required, to the next sommers service: whereby it is supposed, it will be late er they beginne, and happely for this sommer they will doe very litle. It is the opinion of some, that they will onely attempt the blocking of Gertrudenbergh, and make excursions into Bra- bant, without exploiting any thing els: albeit it is said, that the states of Friseland will endevor in like maner the blocking of Groeninghen. fol.28r
The Count Solmes is come hither out of Zeland, to require some helpe of those of Holland, for making a certaine roade, about the quarters of Hulst, wherto they will graunt him a 1000 souldiers.
Wheras I have written heeretofore, that Master Buzenval had moved the states in the kinges behalf, to aide him this sommer with 2000 men for 3 or 4 monethes, all the contributing Provinces, Utrecht excepted, have passed their consents, to pay to that purpose 2500li sterling every moneth, for 4 monethes together, and to leave unto the King, to levie the men. But this /is/ onely so concluded in the Provinces a part, which must be con- firmed at their general meeting, where we hope that those of Utrecht will assent with the rest: albeit it is thought, if they should not, that the rest of the Provinces will supplie their defect. They are greatly heere inquisitive, to knowe in what maner they shall be holpen by her Majestie in respect of the Contract. Which I signifie is a mater unknowen unto me. But yet I speake, as of my self, that con- sidering the importance of the actions of France, and that all that they doe heere, is to very litle purpose, if the King be overthrowen, I thinke her Highnes will de- termine, to imploye all her meanes, aswell of her auxiliary forces in these contreis, as of others from home, to assist the French King: and will endevor to induce the people of this contrey, to convert their charges also that way, and to maintene heere at home but a defensive warre. There is a mea- ning therupon, as is told me by some, if her Highnes give over to assist them any longer, to dissolve out of hand the Councel of Estate. fol.28v
They beginne to renue an old complaint, astouching the service mony of the Cautionarie townes, by reason they are surcharged with some bandes above the Treatie. And in the Garrison of Flushing they will not allowe the companies of Sir Mathew Morgan and Sir Coniers Clifford to be of 200, till they see their Commission for it. Being written unto about it from Sir Edmund Udal, I have wished him in any wise, to give good speeches to the Burgmasters, and to intreat them to continue their accustomed course in lodging all the souldiers, till her Majestie shall be pleased to sette some other order: and if then therupon they will not doe as heeretofore, to shewe them in good termes, that he should be forced therein to use some autoritie, for the avoi- ding of disorder, that might growe by suche souldiers, as having no lodging would goe loosely straggling in the night. The states of Holland have newly conferred upon the sonne of the Princesse of Orenge Henry Fredericke of Nassau, a regiment of 20 companies, and have allowed him a pay of 80li sterling by the moneth. But conditionally that it shall be to maintene him for a while at the schoole. It is also secretly reported, that there is a matche concluded, which shall be shortly solemnised between the Count Palatin of the Rhine, and the eldest daughter of the Prince of Orenge, by his wife of the house of Bourbon, who is heere with the Princesse, of 18 yeres of age. It is thought that this Ester the Princesse her self with all her traine, and the rest of the sisters will bring her to the Palsgrave.
Of the Enemies actions heere is very litle notice, as we have never had it better. It is said not- withstanding, that the old Count Mansfeld, with the fol.29r
Councel of Estate doth direct all affaires: and that Count Charles his sonne doth commaunde the troupes that goe for France: which are thought to be 600 [In margin: 6000]
foote, and 1500 horse. But as yet we can not heare, that they are passed the frontiers. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. January 24 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley