Reference: TNA, SP 84/46/11 f.9r-10v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0429/008
Date: 16 January 1593
Copies: 0003
fol.10vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England. with speede.
Endorsed: 16 January 1592 Master Bodeleie to my L. Master Brunes informacion.
Later Addition: 16 January 92/3
May it please your good L. Astouching the two Menninches, the father and the sonne, of whome I was informed by the order of your L. from Sir Horace Pallavicine, and required to enquire of their dealinges in this contrey, I could finde no better meanes, then to use in that behalf the aide of Master Brune. It is he whome your L. recom- mended lately to me, to the end I should further his suite unto the states: wherein I knowe not as yet, what successe he shall have, but I assist him what I can. And because his aboade is most at Amsterdam, where his acquaintance is great with sundrie sortes of men, I made him privy to the letter, which Sir Horace writte unto me, wherein I praied him to travel, by way of conference with shippers, and brokers, and suche kinde of people: and lette him understand, that if any thing were learned, that was worthy to be signified, his good endevors therein should be knowen to your L. But it seemeth by his answear, which according to his request I send your L. heereinclosed, that he hath gotten no intelligence of any practise of the parties. Nevertheles his labor about it hath bin very well bestowed, by reason he hath discovered divers ma- ters of importance, and one above the rest, which he will not disclose, but by speeche unto your L. and requesteth me upon it, to procure him a passe- port, to be signed by your L. and some others of my LL. of her Majesties privie Councel, that at his fol.9v
comming into England he may not be troubled by any of his creditors. But I have written againe unto him, and earnestly required, that in case the mater be so weightie, as his letter doth pretend, he should not leese any time in expecting a passeport, but repaire out of hand to your L. into England. For otherwise I doubted, the winde would not serve so fittely still, but that before my letter could come to your L. your answear to me and he into En- gland, a couple of monethes would slippe away, which in a mater of great moment might be very ill spared. And where he sought to have /a/ passeport, to be protected from his creditors, I have wished him not to doubt, but that my letters alone will arme him sufficiently against any suche arrest, untill he come unto your L. who he might be well assured, upon the notice of his service, would pro- vide for his indemnitie. Wherupon I have re- quested him, not to make any stay at Amster- dam, but to come and conferre about his present dispatche: which I hope will well agree, with that which your L. would thinke convenient. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage January 16 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley