Letter ID: 0428
Reference: TNA, SP 84/46/9 f.7r-8v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0428/008
Date: 06 January 1593



Addressed: To the Right woorshipfull Master Thomas Bodly Esquyer. In the Hage.

Endorsed: 6 January 1592 Thomas Brune to Master Bodeleie.

Later Addition: 6 January 1592/3


Right woorshipfull I have according to your comyshon made dylligent enquyery for the Father and sonne whose names yow gave me in writing: but I can nott Learne that any one of them both is here knowen emongest the Merchantes, nor yet emongeste the Master Shippers of this towne, wherof the moste parte are now from home in Spaigne, Portugall, Browage, and in the Straytes: Not withstanding by cawse this myn enquyery here made can not suffycyently satysfye your worships desyre in this behalfe, I have intreated my Frindes in this towne trading Hambrough, Lukeck, Dansycke, Melven, and other the Easte partes to make /enquyery/ of the sayed parties severally, and what eyther of them doeth in those partes, from whence I trust to receave advyce within A moneth, whereof I will advertyce your worship accordingly: Thus in the seeking to learne somewhat of the parties knowen by name to your worship I have made enquyerye yf any shippes of these partes have byn soulde lately or within one yeere into Spaigne, And therby understand that 4 great Shippes have byn within A yeere sould and delyveryd in Spaygne Vizt 2 of 2C Laste one of 250 laste, and one of 3C Laste warlyke buylte which is come backe agayne by reason that the Master and maroners therof comytted within the sayed [Shippe] murther of 2 Italyens who were also in the same shippe as passengers into Spaygne, which murther being eyther dyscoveryd in Spaygne, or theyre guyltie consyences fearing yt would be openyd, and theyre fact punyshed, dyscharged her lading in Spaygne receyved there frayght and [Sodeynly] departed thence and came back withe the sayd Ship into thes partes where shee yet remayneth, and dareth nott to go anymore into those partes, And in November laste 2 other Shippes also, thone of 250 laste and thother of 350 laste were laden from hence into the Straytes to be there sould or ells in Spaygne, for so the Owners of them gave comyshon to the Masters therof so to doe: And this kynde of Trade ys not lately begonne but hath byn of many yeeres [.] in thes contries, and in the Easte partes where they buylde manye shippes (better cheape then they can doe here) for that pourpose and sell them in Spaygne or the Straytes with theyre lading, And of Late have buylt shippes of the Inglyshe moulde and fashon by Inglyshe Shippe writes, dangerous for the States of our contrye. And thus following the course of myne Enquyerie consernyng Shippes, the buying, and selling therof as aforesayed, I have byn very desyrous to understand what nomber of Shippes of 60 laste burden, and upwardes are in thes partes, and also howe they be furnyshed with Insglyshe Iron Ordynance wherof great store ys in to this contrie daylly brought ovver bearing the waight of 9C 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 and A great many of 22C 24 & 26C and above contrary to the Intent of any lysence grawnted to any pryvate parson for any consyderacyon what soever: I have learned that to this Towne, Northe Holland, and other places, of thes Contries (Besydes Sealand) belong, Above Athowsand [In margin: besydes having Busses, and other smaller shippes, and hoyes]
Sayle the least of 60 laste and so upward vizt 1/4 parte of 60 last thone halfe or 1/2 of one hondrethe last and the rest being of 150 laste and 2C last, furnyshed with Irone pites to every Ship 6 pites onely one with another Amountes to above Six thowasande pites: I am Advertysed of Some other Matter of no small moment, whiche are to be delyvered by woorde of mouth, whiche I would gladlye reveale /first/ to my Lord Thresorer yf I were not in danger and Indetted for her Majesties and the States but yf ytt woulde /please/ my good Lord Thresurer to afourde me A passeporte to come over into Ingland and to retourne (without any Trouble for any debte) Subscrybed by his L. and 5 or 6 more of my LL. of her Majesties Cownsill, I will out of hand repayre into Ingland with all convenyent speede. fol.7v
And shew my self an honeste and dutyfull subjecte by my contrie [enteave] the benefytt and my self thankes:/ Yf yt seeme good to your worship to send this my lre unto my Lord Thresorer, I dout not but to understand his Lordshippes speedy andswer, and [enteave] by your worships meanes the passeporte I desyere. Thus ceassing from troubling yow further commende me and this cawse unto your worships favourable defence /and furtherance/: Amsterdam the 6 daye of January 1592 stilo Anglie. Your worshippes moste humble at command Thomas Brune
