Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.39r-40v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0019/008
Date: 10 March 1593
Later Addition: [[To my L.]] Treasurer
May it please your good L. It should seeme by your lettre of the 15 of February which I receaved three daies sins, that during the time of your late indisposition (which I am joifull to understand doth molest you no longer) you consigned my lettres to her Majesties handes, and that you thinke I was directed about those maters that I signified, by lettres from the Court. But it may please your L. to be certified, that for these 4 monethes together I have had no other lettre, in answear to any mater that I had formerly written, then this alone of your L. that I have lastly receaved. It were greatly behoofull if her Highnes occacions may conveniently beare it, that some answear should be made, assoone as is possible, as touching that which the States doe most earnestly attend, to know what forces her Majestie will be pleased to lette them have, for their enterprises towardes. For sith according to their numbers they must frame their exploites, their want of understanding [of] her Highnes intention, is a very great impeachment to their Martial resolucions. Besides the 4 horsbandes, there may be spared for the field of her Highnes assistance, at the lest 7 companies, which would steede them very much: and as I signified of late mine opinion to your L. if her Majestie should determine to drawe them away, I thinke in this contrey they would alter therupon their present designes, or els make some other leavie for the increase of their strength, which will shortly be to late for any service this sommer. It is reported out of Brabant, that the Enemie provideth to addresse a running campe, to be at hand in every place, where any attempt is made by us, or for some other special enterprise: for which purpose thei have assembled already 18 cornets of horse, and 4000 foote. Where your L. doeth require to be informed from me of Count Philippes proceedings in the lande of fol.39vLuxenbourgh, there was nothing more done th[en I] certified your L. the 4 of February which was also w[.] the advantage of that which was done, the occurrences of [.] place going then to that effect. But yet the very [.] is that he missed of the towne of St Vit, and a[.] he approched the suburbes of Luxenbourgh, and [attem] pted to sette fire in the house of Plaisance, a p[.] place of the auncient Count Mansfilde, he was re[pulsed] from both, and forced to retire with very great sp[eed] and like disorder, and without anie boutie, being [.] very hard by the troupes of the Enemie, conducted [.] Barlemont: so that besides the burning and spoile [of] a fewe poore mens houses, this/er/ was litle parform[ed] and the Councel heere was very glad that they esc[aped] so good cheape. After many yeres pour[.] and divers propositions to the States of Holland in [.] of Coronel Sonoy, but chiefly in regard of h[.] last lettre, and of that which I proposed by vertue thereof I sent you the copie the 4 of February and have earne[.] urged and debated often sins, thei are now conte[nt to] pay him 200li sterling in present mony and to [.] an annuitie of a 100li yerely, during his owne [life and] his daughters, with suche assurance as may content hi[m. This] offer I have parswaded his Agent to accept, and to [.] them therupon of all the claimes of the Coronel. F[.] in commission to agree for 13000 1300li or rather [.] for a 1000li betweene which summe and that which they have [.] the oddes is not great: and considering how bitt[erly] have bin allwaies bent against him, it is more th[en .] expected. He is highly bound unto her Majestie for [reco] mending his suite so often and so instantly, and in those kinde of termes as she did it now at last, for which res[.] fol.40r
and for nothing els, they have bin brought to this conclusion (for so I suppose they will signifie by some lettre) being otherwise towardes him in a maner irre- conciliable. Howbeit it may be heerafter, if he live in these contreis, partly by his owne good cariage, and partly for the neede that they have of suche as he is, he may pourchase in time some greater grace at their handes, and become by that meanes a speciall good instru- ment to advance upon occacions her Highnes desires.
Having nothing els of the state to signifie unto your L. I am forced for my self to be importunat unto you, and to beseeche you very humbly, to be a meanes unto her Highnes for my licence to returne: or if there be any other stay, to vouchsafe to remove it. For her Majestie I heare, hath considered my necessitie, and hath gratiously promised, that now I doe not doubt, but a very small part of your honorable favour may procure the parfor- mance: whereof I rest most desirous, and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. March 10 1592.