Letter ID: 0016
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba DX f.34r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0016/008
Date: 1593

Endorsed: To my L. of Essex March 30 1593


Later Addition: To my L. of Essex

May it please yor good L: I writ in my Laste [.] of Gertrudenberg, which is likely by the occurrence [.] happely forward, Co Maurice, having taken a [.] from the ennemy of spetiall importance, It lay [.] from the towne, within two musket shot, and was [.] defend that parte of the rampartes which was the weakest [.] to be shaken by battery. There was in it to the [.] of 120, burgundians, who abid but a while the [.] of the canon, & assoone as they were summoned, [.] the place, & departed towardes andwerpe, with theyr [armes] & baggage. It is supposed by reason of the[.] the towne can hardly be relieved, by any force of [the] ennemy: of whose preparation there ys nothing yet [.] Your L. will vouchesafe, to let her Majesty understa[nd] as much as I have written: and to imparte it in [like] manner to my L. Tresurer. I have addressed [.] a lettre to her Highnes: and, to crave your L. aide in the same, I have sent you the transcript: wher[.] beseeche you with my humblest instance to second mee [.] with some peculiar wordes of favor. My sute is [to] obtaine my licence to returne, which hath bin moved to[.] my honorable friendes, and lastly to my knowledge [.] my singular good lady the Countesse of Warwike, [.] her Majestie returned a very cumfortable answere, th[.] after Christmas I should bee released. But sith[ence] finde it is delayed, very [.]eede doth enforce mee to [.] mine owne petition, by which I trust with that good [.] your L. will add, I shall either purchase grace, or [.] bee condemned of too much presumption, & so I take [my] humble leave. From the Hage. 15[93]

Postscript: Albeit we have letters com freshe out of Brabant, we have /there is/ nothing yet written of the comig of the Enemie. Which is im- parted to the speede that hath bin used /by the state/ in this action, . the [timely] attempting of this action: /For/ where heertofor /afor/ they were at want, to drawe their forces to every exploit /abroade,/ till /towardes the end of/ May with the soonest, which is [.] they wat wer nowe in [.] about it daies past. of this [person] It is said at this instant, that our approches ar made very so [.] to the wales of the [towne] as they are com in a manner to the push of the pike. Wherto they had the meanes /in that place/ above any, that they cold have assembled, by reason of the river /water/, which doth steede them exceedingly in the caringe of their [sieage], and other sortes of provision.
