Letter ID: 0008
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.12r-14v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0008/008
Date: 18 February 1593
Note: On fol.12r there is the signature 'E'.
Copies: 0012 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.



Later Addition: S.R. 18

May it please your good L. Wheras by the Treatie there are allowed for her Majesties Gar- risons in Flushing and the Rammekins, but 700 souldiers, the states of Zeland have sent certaine Deputies hither, to complaine to this Councel, that there are at this present eleven com- panies, of which there are 7 of a 150 and three that consist of 200 a peece: in so muche as the paiment of the service mony onely, which is de- fraied to the souldiers in Flushing, is as burden- some to the contrey, as was wont to be the whole intertnement of the Garrison, before the making [In margin: Flushingh]
of the Treatie: besides that divers fraudes and abuses are committed by officers in the foresaid paiment, whereby the contrey is surcharged and dammified greatly. And therefor first they have required, that the companies may not exceede the number specified in the Treatie, and that this Councel should procure it, by wri- ting to her Majestie. Secondly for reformation of those deceates that are used in the paiments, the states of Zeland have presented a draught of certaine orders devised by themselves, which they desire to have confirmed by the Councel of Estate.

The Councel having often consulted upon it, have concluded among them selves, to deale to that effect, as those of Zeland have desi- red: bothe for moving her Majestie to reduce the foresaid Garrisons to the number of 700 and for fol.12v
approving the project, which thei have propo[sed] Howbeit, before thei would resolve, to gi[ve up] their answear, they have thought it behoof[ul to] impart their purpose unto me, and to pra[y me to] weigh, howe muche it doth import the sta[te of the] contrey, and to joine with them in writing [to her Majestie] about it. I have answeared [hereupon] at first as concerning the supernumerary [bands] it was an old complaint of theirs, and h[ad been] answeared often in very good sort: and tht [I thought] they should doe well, having borne that ch[arge so] many yeres together, to passe it for heerea[fter with] out further gainesaing. For though the [number] of the companies were limited by the Contract, [yet they] were in common equitie to consider with [themselves] that it was not possible for her Majestie or her [mi-] nisters at the making of the Contract, to k[now] precisely howe great a Garrison was req[uisit] for defense of those places. For which cause, [and for] her greater securitie, she had reserved to [her self] the libertie to choose at all times, and at he[r good] pleasure, besides the two townes of Flushing [and the] Brille, any other that she liked of the rest of [the Pro-] vinces: and to furnishe it with a Garrison, [out of] her auxiliarie forces in these contreis: whic[h was] so accorded by themeselves, in their Act of [Am-] pliation made upon the Treatie. So that if t[hey] would seeme, to urge so strictly the just num[ber] expressed in the Treatie, they were to expect that fol.13r
her Majestie being weakned that way in assurance would demaunde some other towne, wherein as I conceaved, they would be very backward. More- over her Highnes did finde, that those townes were become a great deale more populous, then they were at the time, that the Treatie was made: so as none of those that she hath chosen to the gouvernment of them, would undertake to keepe them, with that restriction to the number, that is mentioned in the Contract. And though I knowe very well, that the intention of the contrey was sincere and direct, and that there was no cause, to calle in question that affection, which they bare unto her Majestie yet occasions might falle of the breache of this amitie, as was often times seene between Princes and contreis in greatest conjunction. For which it was expedient, that the foresaid places should not onely be assured against the power of the Enemie, which I thought might be done with a very fewe souldiers and the aide of the Burghers, but if occasion so requi red, against those attemptes that might be made by the states themselves, or those that are inhabitants. For howsoever it be presumed, as it might very well, that no suche mater will come to passe, yet thei could not be ignorant, that garrison souldiers and burghers are many times at variance, and growe often on the soddaine to termes of hostilitie. Which if it should happen by any accident in Flushing, it is knowen to all that contrey, that there are of that towne and belonging therunto 3000 mariners at the lest which are armed sufficiently, to master so fewe as fol.13v
the Treatie doth sette downe. And howe ill [in such] a case the state would be able, to beare any [sway] in the appeacing of their furie, it was nee[deles for] me to signifie unto them. For these a[and other] like causes, I wished them to make no motio[n unto her] Majestie of anie suche mater: for that I was sure s[he would] take displeasure at it, and they in their [suit] should be nothing the neerer. And [where they] doe alleage the excessive charges of the contrey, [in dis-] boursing of service mony, it was but a shewe [of a] mater [of] weight, and was nothing in effect [. For if] the supernumeraries were not kept in Flus[hing they] must be placed somewhere els, and lodged as [in Flushing] which in regard of their expense would come to one account. But to meete with those ab[uses that] are practised by officers, with surcharging the [Contrey] wt greater paiments then were needefull [for the] numbers in garrison, I had thorowly per[used] that wch those of Zeland had projected in [that behalf] and to my understanding I found it bene[ficiall] aswell for her Majestie as the contrey. Neve[rtheles] I requested them to proceede with some corr[espondence] with the Gouvernor, and not onley to send h[im a] transcript of their orders, but withall to ma[ke him] offer to refourme any point, that should be [found] by his remonstrance prejudicial to the g[arrison.]

Upon these and other like speeches, [it was] resolved by this Councel, that those orders of Zel[and] should be put in execution: but as touching [the] excesse of the companies in Flushing, they wo[uld] fol.14r
for a time forbeare to write, till the Generall states were come together, and then determine with advise, what course they would take. Nothing more being offered, worth your L. rea- ding, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. February 18 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
