Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.7r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0005/008
Date: 15 February 1593
Note: The postscript is written perpendicular in the left hand margin. On fol.7r is the signature 'D'.
Sir I have of late recevid sondrie letters from youe, wh[.] have made noe mention unto yowe, by anie other my letters of late, partlie becawse theie required noe awnsweare, partlie becawse I did use to send your lettres to the Q Majestie by my sonne Sir Robart Cecill to the Cort, from wheare I thinke yowe have recevid sum directions: But nowe Master Bruin offeringe to retorne, whoe browght me lettres from yowe of the xvjth of the last moneth, I thowght good to signify the receipt of thos your lettres by him sent, whoe hath delivered unto mee information of sondrie great abuses, but the [same] in such a generallitie as to remedie or punishe the same cannot be withowt sum perticuler knowledge, of the parties offending, and proofes also theareof: and yet it behoveth us to prohibitt the same asmuch as wee cann, and to lie in weight to gett the offendors: The abuses are in conveieinge awaie of Ordonnance owt of the Realme, whereof certainelie thos Lowe Cuntries, besides the great furniture theie have had by license, hath robbed the Realme mightelye, and furnished the K. of Spaines townes and shipping notoriowslie, whearewith theie of Amsterdam, and other partes of Northolland are manifestlie accused owt of Spayne: and from Middleborowgh also theie have been furnished of good nombers: an infortunat societie for us to joine with all, when for their sakes wee beare the brunt of warre against the K. of Spayne and theie for gaine furnishe our Common Ennemie of victuells, of Shipping, of all apparelling for his Navie and Ordonnance, and powder, which is used against us, and at this daie the Realme of France, & noe part of the Lowe Cuntrie once towched thearewith./ I cowld inlarge the Complaint, but I find noe waie of remedie, neither liklood to have it amended by thos States, that make gaine there abuse: The like I maie saie of the robbing us of our coine, and the robbing and defacing of it: and by overvaluing of theire monies, contrary to a plaine clawse in the Contract: besides their Corruption of theire owne monies, in false coininge theie bread great harme to this Realme, and in the ende will make us [when] that ever wee [joined] with them: this I write privatlye fol.7v
[[.]] Caron, but thearebie I doe onelie spend a little [.] proffitt, althowgh Monsieur Caron semeth greved hearewith[.] This daie he browght me lettres from Counte Mawrice [.] the matter wheareof yowe did latelie write unto mee, f[.] of summ men for 2 or 3 monethes: But bicawse he had [.] lettres to hir Majestie not yet delivered I forbare to geve him [.] awnsweare: I like the purpose well, so the States wo[.] the charges: there having noe charge but the defence of [.] Cuntrie: and hir Majestie having upponn hir Armies, both h[.] Cuntries and Kingedomes, and France and Britaigne, [.] maie likewise have a burden in Scotland, if thinges be [.] well ordered theare, wheare you shall understand, a C[.] hath been latelie discovered betweene certaine noble menn [.] Scotland and the K. of Spaine, professing secretly pop[.] purpose whereof, that the nobilitie papisticall of Scotlan[d] showld have monie to levie an Armie of themselves to be [.] at such time as a Spanish Navie with an Armie showlde [.] the west Seas, and thearewith first to overule the K. and ch[.] Religion: and than to enter wth manie force into England [.] land. Divers of the ministers of this Conspiracie of the inf[.] be taken, but the heades of the noble menn, are with draw[en] Northe and doe confederate themselves together to defend [them] selves: but yet the K. hath resolved even as this daie [.] the 15 of this moneth, to proceade with forces against [.] which he shall hardlie doe this time of the yeare, & spet[ially .] pursue them so farre in the North, in the Mountanous w[.] Cuntries, wheare Armies cannot passe / And for this [.] her Matie hath sent my L. Burgh 3 daies past to p[.] to encowrage them to proceade hearein / Thus much I th[owght] good to lett yowe knowe bicawse it is likelie reportes h[.] will be made thither. And so for this time I wishe yowe [.] better healthe then I yet can recover, having been almost [.] monethes subject to great and dangerous sicknes, alth[owgh] thes [.] my principal lack is strenght, and habilitie [.] the aire./ From my howse in Westminster this xvth of Fe[bruary]. Your assured loving frend William Burghley
Postscript: Monsieur Caron maketh a good report of the Comte Philip of Luzenbourg wherof I looke to have the perticularities from you by your next.