Letter ID: 0002
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.2r - 3v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0002/008
Date: 03 January 1593
Note: On fol.2r there is the signature 'B'.
Copy of: 0427


May it please your good L. Wheras her Majestie is informed, as your lettre doth signifiy of the 9 of December. Which I receaved three dayes past, that some dealing hath bin used by the States of theses contreis, to parsuade with the Provinces of Brabant and Flan- ders, upon this opportunitie of the death of the Duke of Parma, to free their estate from the Spanish servitude, and to procure unto themselves the Pacification made at Gaunt, I doe assure your L. that by order of the States, there hath not any thing bin done to any suche purpose. Onely this I understand, that some privat parsones of themselves but yet with the privitie of the Principal heere, have written to their frindes that remaine in those quarters, to that effect that is required. But those endevours are so slenders, as by any /every/ mans con- jecture nothing will come of it. And where I am willed by her Highnes if so be that the States have done nothing therein, to propose it unto them as from her, and to shewe them her good liking, it may please you to understande, as I have formerly signified, that the Deputies of the States are gone into their Provinces, and are not like to meete againe, till the ende of this moneth.

But in the meane season I have moved the mater to Master Barnevelt, and likewise to some others of the chiefest heere in place, who are all in a maner of one kinde of judgement, that before they goe in hand with any such practise, they must see some better ouverture. For although they have intelligence, that the Enemies commanders are at strife among themselves, yet unlese it were more then is yet understoode, they have found by exparience of former times and like attemptes, that their lettres and messages have rather reconciled those that were at discorde, then caused them to hearken to that which was proposed. Nevertheles if they see fol.2v
any hope to effect any good, whether it be for [that the] Enemy is in greater disorder, or for other occasi[ons, they] seeme to me to be as ready as can be desired. W[herupon] I am resolved, assoone as the States assemble ag[ain] and according to the occurrences that come from the Enemy [to de-] liver the opinion of her Majestie unto them: which yet [I think] I shall be forced to communicat unto some, and not[unto] them all, in their general meeting. For they are [many] in number, and of divers places, humours, and re[ligions] so as hardly such a mater will be secretly car[ied,] which will make many men unwilling to be imployed [in an] action so full of danger to themselves, and also to [their] frindes, with whome they must negotiat in the Ene[mies] contrey. But for the maner of my proposing and co[urse of] proceeding, when that the time is for it heere, I wi[ll si-] gnify what I think for my privat conceat, I am fully [persuaded] at for Brabant and Flanders, or any other Province [that is] under the Enemy, unlese they seeke of themselves [to shake] of the yoke of the Spanishe gouvernement, they shall [not] greatly be provoked by the States of these contreis. [I] should but trouble your L. to signify all my re[asons] but that which moveth me most, is the want that they have [of a] parsone of authority, by whome suche motions might [be made] and directions given for good execution. For [though it] seeme that Count Maurice hath some prerogative in tht [respect] as Governour general of all these Provinces, excepting [Friseland] yet his chiefest command is in military maters, and as [also that way] so restrained, as of him selfe he can doe litle, but in [affairs] of the States, no more then other magistrates: in which [he dealeth] very seldome, and as it seemeth very unwillingly. [For it] fol.3r
is commonly thought that of his naturall inclination he deliteth not muche in the maneging of suche causes, nor he hath no man about him of speciall exparience, by whose advise he may be steeded. And as for the rest of the States men heere, though some be more able and carefull and forwarder then others to preferre a good motion, and to follow it effectually, yet they are but very fewe, and of equal autoritie with a great many more, whereby they are forced in most occasions to keepe that pase that others doe, and not to drawe them by proposals into newe kinde of actions. I could hold your L. with rehearsal of others other imparfections, which are so great many and so great in all the courses of this go- verment, as they leese very often very singular oppor- tunities of bettering their condition. But this already is more then needed to your L. in special, who hath heere so many proofes of their weakenes in all thinges: which yet I thought in this sort to touche in a worde, to the end yow might parceave, that there is no alteration in the forme of their proceeding, and that the apparance is but smalle, that they will satisfy her Majestie in that which I am charged to participat unto them. And so I humbly take my leave. From the Hage. January 3 1593/2/