Letter ID: 1423
Reference: Kent U1475, C18/28, fol.284r - 285v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1423/008
Date: 24 October 1592



Addressed: To my honorable frinde Sir Robert Sidney knight L. Gouvernor of Flushing Flushing

Later Addition: Master Bodly 24 October 1692

Later Addition: Master Bodley



Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney

I would I were departing together with your L. being wonderfully weery of this Hage, and this soile, and this paltrie kinde of people. I have written about it by this bearer and used some termes of so earnest request, as now I thinke or never, I shall speede of my purpose. If I doe not, I am heere to doe your L. any service: and so I am wheresoever with my uttermost en- devor. If your L. goe so shortly, I beseeche yow bestowe, when yow come to the Court, a letter upon me: and signifie your opinion of my likelihood to returne. Which I knowe yow can de- vise to learne by many meanes. If I see I shall be kept in this Tantalus paine, with pro- mises and hopes and no performance of the end, I will take some other course, to pro- cure some greater grace. Wherein I will be ended by any note of advise, that yow shall please to send unto me: as in the meane season, I am alwaies as I have bin, and yow shall finde me in all occasions, most af- fectionatly bent to doe yow any service. From the Hage. October 24 1592 Your L. at commaundement Tho. Bodley
