Reference: Kent U1475, C18/25, fol.278r - 279v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1420/008
Date: 11 August 1592
fol.279vAddressed: A Monsieur Monsieur Sidney chevalier et Governeur de la ville de Vlissingnes
Later Addition: 11 August 1592 Master Bodly
Later Addition: Master Bodley [.] 92
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I doe rather salute your L. for that this bea- rer doth come so fittely, then for any kinde of mater that is worthy of a letter. For heere at the Hage there is nothing sturring: and we have litle from the campe, but your L. hath it quickly. they are busied at this present /present/ in drieng up the ditche: which is easely done, if there come no raine, and so, it is thought, they shall be masters of the place. There is other wise litle hope, as the occurrence goeth heere. The levie of Juliers doth daily repaire to the towne of Sherembergh, so as many men [gaine] out, that there are at this present 700 at the lest. Besides their forces out of France are expected to returne with the very first winde: which will make in all a good supplie, for the withdrawing of the Englishe: which I see her Highnes is resol- ved to send for by the next. But of that I thinke your L. knoweth more then my self. For which I will not now trouble with intelligence of no moment, but commend yow most earnestly to Gods good protection. From the Hage. August 11 1592 Your L. at commaundement Tho. Bodleyhref=""