Reference: Kent U1475, C18/20 fol.206r-207v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1415/008
Date: 1 March 1592
fol.207vTo the honorable knight Sir Robert Sidney L. Governor of the towne of Flushing
Later Addition: 1 March 1591 M[aster Bo]dley.
Later Addition: Master Bodley.
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I doe assure your L. if I goe not home the sooner, I shall be sicke with melancholie. For I have spent all my patience a great while a goe. Many thinges doe move me to seeke it very earnestly: but nothing so muche as my pri- vat estate. If importunitie would serve, I have written about it fower or five times. For an answear at first, I was bidde to at- tend till sommer were past: and next till an other were founde to succeede me: after that I was willed to tarie till the spring: and nowe at last I am told, that as long as this Peace is in daunger of a Parle, I can not be spared. Once the spring is at hand: and I thinke this Peace will come to nothing: or will prove litle better then a paltrey practise of the Spaniard, to gette advantage in dealing with a credulous people. We shall see er be long whereto it will come: and I thinke for cer- taine, there will be no suche cause as to stay me heere about it. But whether I come or tarie, be it sooner or later, I am your L. to be used both heere and at home in all your occasions. To tell yow freely my opinion of your going into England. I thinke they finde it inconvenient, that the cautioners townes should be both at one time without the presence of their Governors. I knowe nothing at all of those reportes that are caried abroade about the L. Burgh. I am right well assured that the Burghers love him well, and thinke it longe till he returne. But yet of late fol.206vthey have bin forced for many weekes together, to pay the souldiers there in garrison their weekely imprestes: wherupon they have complained, and sought to be remboursed by the states of Hol- land, who have addressed them to me. The summe that they demaunde doth amount at the lest to 1200li sterling. I doe not doubt but her Majestie doth pay that garrison as duly, as any of the rest: that I feare there is a fault, though I knowe not yet in whome which will hardly be answeared. It doth stand very odly between Sir Edward Norreis, and the Councel of state: as yow may see by that letter, which they sent of late unto her Majestie wherof I send yow in the copie, to be read in your study There is no answear yet unto it, and I can not conjecture wat answear can be made. For he hath used strange devises to engage her Majestie and my LL. With the excuse of his actions. and yet the abuses are so great, and /as/ they will see them in the ende, and muche yelde of necessitie, and in common equitie, to cause him to satisfie and answear the contrey. The Count and Sir Francis Vere are about some e[n] terprise, which is contrived by themselves, and unknowen as yet to the Councel of state, I woul[d] otherwise willingly impart it to your L. Although the winde hath served, to bring us newes out of France or England, any time this 4 daies, we have yet no letters, nor ad- vertisments from any. Howbeit we hope we shall have to morowe. In the meane while I fol.207r
recommend my self and my service to your L. disposition, and I wishe your happines in all thinges to your greatest contentacion. From the Hage. Marche 1 1591. Your L. at comaundement Tho. Bodley