Reference: BL, Harleian 287 fol. 209r-210v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1370/008
Date: 20 July 1592
Later Addition: Midleburgh 20 July 1592
Right worshipfull: a few dayes paste we received this enclosed letter from our Governor and brethern in Londone, who as yt seemeth comparinge the States late proceedinges in the Tare matter with Intercourse, auncient privileges, and custome, do thinke the same wholy overhard and prejudiciall, and therefore notwith- standing the provisionall agreement in Maye laste, hope that we yett may be heard for the whole:/ But we considering what hathe heretofore passed in this busines, how that of force we muste yeild to some inconvenience in these tymes, and being wholye unwilling to enter into any new suite or trouble, take yt to be our best course for this tyme to expect the resolutione of the states upon those twoe pointes which as yet hang undiscided and to shew our grieves conceived of that which they have alredy determined, using herein suche good meanes and reasons, as may induce them to use us the more favourablye: And whereas her Majestye in the laste Letters unto them alledgeth an article of Treatye with the house of Burgundie, and with all dothe thinke yt reasonable that the Tare makinge should be reduced to the auncient custome, or manner used at Antwerp, Berghen, Middelburch, Hamburch, and nowe at Stade, we have thoughte good to send you copyes bothe of the said article of Treatye, as also of other articles of Intercourse, and privilege pertinent to our causes: that thereby yt may appear unto you, what hathe been in use heretofore, and what yt is we desire at this instant: namely: that the Tare may be made in one Towne, that no Tare maisters be appointed without our advice, and consent, And that the tyme for delivery of Certificates of Tare (which the States have adjourned to Eleven monthes) may be, yf not accordinge to the olde order expressed in all our privileges, Four monthes, yet at the most six monthes: which our demaundes we thinke to agree with all equitye and reasone, and they ought to condiscend unto in our Judgementes: besides we doubt not, but they will remember, what they have heretofore graunted us in their open letter, and that accordingly, as they have promised by the same, they will suffer us to enjoye the benefytt of our privileges, without innovatione or concludinge anye thing against us contrarye thereunto without our good lykinges: And this is the best matter we can allegde for our selves, yf anye thing will prevaile with them, For other allegations they may, as they have donne, retorte upon us, or shfyte of with this aunswear, as being contrarye to the authority of the lande, and the general tr[a]de: yet (yf yt so seem good unto you) we will send thether our secretarie to be attendant upon you, bothe for [reviuinge] of that which alredy hathe been allegded one our parte, and for answearing th[e] drapers objections, without whome we knowe the States will do nothinge: and so presuming of your fol.209vLater Addition: Midleburgh 20 July 1592
affectione and good will for the advauncement of our causes [we] cease at this tyme and commend you and your affaires to the grac[ious] guyding and blessing of the Almighty: From Middelburch the 20th of Julye anno 1592: Your affectionate Freendes at commaundment the Deputye Associates and Society of the marchauntes adventurers: Thomas Ferrers. deputy.href=""