Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.369r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1204/008
Date: 22 December 1592
Note: The letter is written landscape across two folios.
Later Addition: 1592 22 December To Master Bodly
Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
Trustie and welbeloved we greet you well. It is well knowne to you that we have often heretofore both written to the States in favour of Collonell Snoy, and likewise charged you with manie commaundementes to accompanie our saide lettres with your parsonall sollicitation, which thoughe we knowe you have done, Yet hath the same ben hitherto with so litle fruite to him, as we cannot but be grieved that so earnest a desire, as they may discerne that we have to doe him good, shoulde be so litle regarded by them. And therefore we have now written unto them rather an expostulation, then a request, as you may perceive by the copie herewith sent you; which our pleasure is that you shall by speache delyver unto them more at large, urging such argumentes, as by this and by former instruction concerning the same, you may conceave our request to be grounded on; And specially this that as we doe take (and so have plainly signified to them) our honor to be greatly interessed in the successe of this matter: So yf it shalbe otherwise then to our contentment & then we may justly saie that we have deserved of them, they shall looke for none other measure at our handes in the like or anie other matter, wherein they shall have occasion to crave our favour, then such as is fitt to be requited to unthanckfull men. Gyven under our Signet at our honour of Hampton courte the xxjth daye of December 1592. In the xxxvth yere of our Reigne.href=""