Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.365
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1201/008
Date: 20 December 1592
fol.365vEndorsed: To my Ladyship of Warwicke December 20 1592
Later Addition: Belgia 1592 20 December To my Lady of Warwick
May it please your good Ladyship Within a lettre of Sir Francis Vere, of the 29 of November which is newly come unto me, I had one from your Ladyship and a litle before I receaved an other from Master Vicechamberlaine, which contened in effect the self same advertisment, that by your Ladyships meanes her Majestie had accepted the present that I sent, with a cheerfull declaration of her Highnes good liking, and that my licence to returne should be grawnted very shortely. For which your honorable favours bestowed upon one that is unknowen unto you, and a man of no desert, I can use no other meanes to shewe my self gratefull then by wordes and by lettres, but if your Ladyship have occasion to command me in any thing, you shall finde by my service a most dutifull acknowledgement. And so I pray you very humbly to be parsuaded of me, and to vouchesafe an other worde for the effecting of my suite, as touching my returne: the rather in that respect, that in the affaires of her Highnes I had never lesse to doe, then I have at this present, and truly Madame for mine owne, I had never greater cause to seeke my revocation. I have written often about it unto my L. Tresurer, and now againe by this bearer, hoping also to be holpen by Master Vicechamberlaine, and by Sir Robert Cecill, to whom in that behalf I have written very earnestly. And so beseeching the continaunce of your Ladyships favour, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 20 1592href=""