Letter ID: 1200
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.364r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1200/008
Date: 09 December 1592



Later Addition: [[1592]] 9 December To Master Bodly

Sir. I cannot omitt at this time, but to remember yowe, what good oportunitie theare is to doe sum good in Flanders and Brabant, uppon the deathe of the D. of Parma, and before anie Gouvernor can be stablished. Of which matter devising with Monsieur de Caron this daie by hir Majesties direccion, I understand by him that the States theare have thowght of this matter before time, whilest the Duke was in danger: & therefore have since his deathe sent secretlie divers discreat messengers to the Principall Townes of Brabant and Flanders, as Anwerpe, Bruges, Gant and Bruxelles and other like, to move them to take the advantage of the time, to be delivered of the Gouvernment by Spaniardes and Italians, and to procure if yt maie be the Pacifiacion of Gant to be grawnted to them, and the Cuntreis, which corse so taken by the States, hir Majestie liketh soe well, as if yowe shall finde anie such entrie made by them, she would have you by all good meanes to further yt, and to use hir name in yt, as a thing that she would greatlie allowe of: and if theie have not entred heareunto, yet hir Pleisure is yowe showld propownd this matter to them; and moste ernestlie require them in hir name to delaie noe time to attempt yt, the meanes wheareof cannot be expressed soe well to yowe or them, as themselves can thinke expedient, spetially considering theare be a great nomber of good and wise men of Brabant and Flanders, that are in thes Lowe Cuntries under the States fled from the tirannie of the Spaniard: of which nomber yt is likely the States and yowe shall find manie fitt persons to be used hearein, aswell for their perticuler, as the publicque: the like I find by Monsieur Caron being natife of Bruges, that he will emploie his Credett the same waie: onelie hast is required herein, and thearfore I doe make an ende hereof. From Hampton Cort this ixth of December 1592. Your verie Lovinge frend./ William Burghley
