Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.331r-332v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1190/008
Date: 29 September 1592
Copy of: 0421
fol.332vEndorsed: To my L. Tresurer September 29 1592 by garrelson
Later Addition: 1592 29 September To my L. Treasurer
May it please your good L. Sir Francis Vere having bin in Zeland a good while sins to see the companies embarked, I doe not doubt but your L. is advertised from him of all that hath bin requisit. There can be no stay that I can imagine but onely in the winde which hath bin of late very variable heere, that I can not well conjecture how it hath bin in Zeland. It is signified unto me that the States of that Province have stormed exceedingly, that I should write to make a stay of the payment of Berghen till they had sent some other companies in lieu of the Englishe which her Majestie required. But notwithstanding their offense, that effect hath ensued which I did expect, wherby her Majestie hath bin served. For they ordened out of hand, to send a supplie of their owne repar- tition: for which I am parsuaded that unles I had proceeded in such paremptorie sort, they would ether have taken no order at all or trained me too long with some frivolous delay: upon supposal parhaps, that rather then the Governour would leave the towne open to the Enemies invasion, as he must of necessitie, if he left the garrison unfournished, he would not be parsuaded to part with the companies. And yet if he should, thei knewe they had the meanes, to succour it on the soddaine. I have very much a doe in every meeting in this place, to answear their complaintes, for this drawing from hens of her Majesties aide. But as I signify unto them, so I know it is certaine, and fewe of them doe much deny it, The States of these Provinces through her Majesties assistance is brought to great security, such as no man could expect to be effected so soone, nor, the power of the Enemy being throughly considered, they themselves can not wish to stand in better termes. And in that respect, if they would waigh, as they ought, how much it did concerne as well themselves as her Majestie to chase the Enemy out of of Britaine, they would be more forward in dimissing the companies. In their late consultacion about the further imployment of their forces abroade, whereof I made mention in my last to your L. they have fully resolved to passe the Rhine: which is intended about Embrick fol.331va towne upon the Rhine, and in the countrey of Cleve, very neere unto Sgravenwert or the Talhuis, which is the place, where the Rhine doth devide it self in two. They doe account by that meanes to stoppe the Enemy of his passage or to force him to disparse the greatest part of his troupes. Howbeit there is a bruite at this present, that for the assurance of his passage, he hath taken Duisberch, which is situat on the Rhine, and is upward from Wesel about 4 dutche miles.
It is also halfe concluded, that if the D. of Parma continue at the Spa, or in the quarters thereabout, all the horsmen of the army shall make a soddaine cavalcado, to assault him in his lodging. By either of these attempts, if the issue be as happy as the Project is cast, it is thought the Frenche K. may be greatly relieved. Monsieur Buzenval hath solicited very hard to obtene a good answear to the suite of the King, for the loane of certaine mony, as I writte unto your L. the 19 of August. But there is nothing yet done, nor they doe not deale about it: wherby his hope, as it seemeth, is very slender. I am certified at this instant, by a lettre brought unto me, from the Gouvernour of Berghen, that the States of Zeland have sent him but 4 Dutche companies, to supply the roomes of 6 English that are required by her Highnes. Whether they doe it, to force him by that meanes, to send but 4 in all, reserving 2 of the 6, or for that they thinke it sufficient, to keepe the towne from the Enemy, though there should be but foure in place of the six, I can not yet understand. But the Gouvernor deteneth two Englishe companies, of the nomber of those that should be sent And withall, because they send him no supply of Canoniers, [he] will parmitte but half /of/ 18 which are demanded by her Majestie [to] depart with the companies: pretending that the towne can not oth[erwise] be defended. But I will write directly to him, to se[nd] of hand both all the 6 copanies and all the canoniers. [But] otherwise the officer of the Tresuror shall be willed withhold [their] weekely intertenment, untill it be parfourmed. For as [I will] fol.332r
signify, if it be so, that the towne may be held, while the Enemy, at this present, is busied abroad, with the helpe of those 4 (which Martial men must judge) both her Majestie and the countrey will cast the blame upon him, for being overprecise: which he hath to consider in with maner he will answear. But if it fall out in discourse, that this supply of the States is too weake in very deede for defense of the place, there is no doubt but by refraining from paying of the souldiours detened, he shall have presently sent unto him some further renforcement. Wherupon I have written to the officer of the Tresurer to parsist continually in withholding the imprest of the companies behind, but with the advise and good liking of Sir Francis Vere, who being made acquainted with all my proceeding and present there in place, will accomplishe, I am certaine, whatsoever shall be needfull, if he may be obeyed. And thus I take my humble leave. At the Hage September 29 1592.