Letter ID: 1188
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.326r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1188/008
Date: 16 September 1592



Later Addition: 1592 16 September To my L. Treasurer

May it please your good L. In what I have proceeded with the States of these countreys to procure the enlargement of those prisoners, for whom your L. write unto mee, I have signified at lenght unto my L. Tresurer, and have prayed his L. to imparte it unto you, but yf youer L. bee desirous to bee enformed of the same, and of all the dealinge of this peopele in particular maner, the bearer hereof which was suitour for the parties and hath bin heare present at all that hath passed can report it verye thorowly, they thinke in this place, that they have pleasured me highly, to pardon a dozen of the yonger sorte, consideringe as they say, that they damnified exceedingly by English pirats, and by order of the country doe never pardon pirats, But the truth is that they want that affection and love that they ought to beare unto our nation They woulde otherwyse have respected both the instance of the suite which was made unto them and the moment of those reasons that I exhibited in writing and will bee shewed unto your L. the conside ration whereof I referr to your wysdeome and the utermoste of my service to bee commaun ded by your L. in all youer occasions and so I take my humbele leave from the Hage september 16 1592
