Letter ID: 1180
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.284r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1180/008
Date: 29 August 1592



Later Addition: Belgia 1592 29 August To my L. Treasurer by Master Hans

May it please your good L. I signified in my last the 19 and the 20 of this moneth, of the receate of suche lettres, as I had lately then before from her Majestie and your L. of which the last that I receaved was of the 2 of this present. To her Majesties demande to have the companies dimissed I could get no present answear, the States requiring first to know the opinions of the Councel and of the Deputies at the Campe: which undoubtedly they did to winne a litle time. For sins the day that their lettres were delivered at the Campe, they have had sufficient time to returne their advise: though the States doe still pretend that they have not yet receaved it. But whensoever they shall receave it, I doe not thinke that directly they will graunt us free libertie, although parhaps they may parmite us to drawe the companies awaye. Whereupon, as in my last, I declared unto your L. Sir Francis Vere and my self have bin alwais resolved, that whensoever we shall receave her Majesties last lettre for embarking the companies, we will make no manner of stay for want of their good liking. Howbeit it may please your L. at this present to understand to what termes their affaires are reduced. Those troupes of the Enemy are passed the Rine, of which I writte unto you before, the 19 of this moneth, with a resolut intent, as the occurences give it out, and as the apparances are great, to beat our army from the siege, to which they are approched, as we have certaine intelligence, withn lesse then a league. Count Maurice on the other side hath brought the Castel of Coevoerden to such evident distresse, that two of our companies are lodged already within the rampiers, and are in safetie from their shotte, for which his hope is very great, to obtene his purpose out of hande: and is bent thereupon, being thorowly well entrenched, to attend the comming of the Enemy. Their state standing thus, it can not be parmitted without imminent danger, that the Englishe troupes, which are there with Sir Francis, or the Companies of the Countrie which should be sent by the States, to supply the garrison of Berghen, can be licensed from thence. But the time can be but short, in all kinde of liklyhood, that things can thus continue. For heere we are parsuaded that ether Coevoerden is taken already by the Count, or the Count is forced by the Enemy to abandon the siege. But howsoever it be, if the issue be not good, I doe finde by those speeches which are commonly delivered, that the fault will be cast upon her Majesties forces, of which they saye they hav[e] fol.284v

Endorsed: August 29 [[1592]] by Master Hans MusterMa[ster]

had no use, nor her Majestie nether, for the time of this siege. It is wholy against the minde of the States in this place, to come to a battel with the Enemy, although the Count should be offered some notable advantage. For they thinke the losse of many thousandes but a litle losse unto the Enemy and yet to us it may turne to an irreparable dommage. And so they have declared by their earnest lettres in that behalf. Of the Enemies forces Count Charles Mansfield, Mandragon, Verdugo and one Gonzaga a Coronel of Spaniardes, are chiefe conductours, having, as some men write, 7000 foot men, but as advertismentes agree, 5000 at the lest, which are pikes for the most and musquettiers. The nomber of their horsemen is not deemed muche inferior to those that are with us, but not thought to be so good, and farre out of order. The strenght of our forces, by all estimation is between 7 and 8000 foot, and 1600 horse. The abundance of raine which hath lately fallen heere and continueth at this present, is a mervelouse annoyance to the souldiers at the siege, for that the soile of those quarters is very fenny and moorishe. To day we doe expect to have some lettres from the Campe, and to heare of some attempt of the Enemy upon us: the sooner in that respect, that he is scanted of vituals, and yet is comming hourely onward. Whatsoever shall happen, shall be presently signified to your L. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage August 29 1592.
