Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.277r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1177/008
Date: 21 August 1592
Later Addition: 1592 21 August To Master Bodly
Sir. This matter that hath hounge in Balance so longe for lack of a full Conclusion, is nowe heare by hir Majestie absolutelie resolved that hir nombers aforetime limited for France, shall presently withall the speed that maie be, be drawen to the Sea side, and shipped [In margin: wherin yow may parceave, that seyng the 2 bandes in redynes to have bene drawen fron ostend shall remayne ther ar now to come but 16 bandes]to passe to Caen, for execucion whereof yowe shall hearewith receive hir Majesties lettres, to the Contentes whereof I doe referre yowe, and if Monsieur Caron be cumm thither, yowe shall doe well to move him to further the same to be with the good wills of the States, as he hath promised to further the same knowinge hir Majesties ernest determi- nacion thearein./ Howe Buzenval hath delt anie waies for the K. theare, of late I have not herd from yowe. The Commissarie of Musters for Berghen hath diligentlie sent hither his Bookes of the Musters of the Bandes that are appointed to goe into Fraunce, which are more perfectlie filled with their nombers than I did looke for, But of the state of the nombers that served under Sir Francis Veere, I cowld as yet heare noe report made thence, althowgh yowe knowe the same was required spetiallye to the intent that according to the defectes, newe supplies made be made heare in England to fill upp the Bandes when they showld cumm into France./ I praie yowe peruse well the direccions that weare geven yowe the first of Julie by Articles from my LLs of the Counsell, and so deale with Sir Francis Veere, and Sir Thomas Morgan as the direccion thearein maie be performed, whereof I doe nowe forbeare to make anie newe recitall./ At this time wee heare not what is becumm of Coverden, neither whether it be trewe that the Ennemie hath passed forces over the River / Of that which yowe latelie wrote to mee of Groninghen, I wishe to heare sum good proceedinge thearein./ From Callis and Flanders wee heare common report, of great preparacion made by Boates, and such other like, with opinion of sum Attempt intended against Ostend, but from Ostend it self, I can heare noe newes. A little before Monsieur de Caron were heare he made grevous complaint of lack of Justice heare for recoverye of shippes and goodes taken from the people of thes Provinces, and being required by mee to deliver sum Remonstrance or Catalogue of the perticuler Com- plaintes, I sent the same to the Judge of the Admiraltye, whoe sodenlie [by] my request hath apostilled the same wth certaine Awnsweares, thowgh not so perfectlie delivered as weare fitt in so publicque a Cawse: nev[er] theles bicause it maie be that Monsieur de Caron maie theare reiterate his grefes, I have thowght fitt not to have yowe ignorant of the Complaint and the manner of the Awnsweares, thowgh to the same much maie be ad[ded] with further leisure the Consideracion wherof I leave to yowe by sending to yowe the Copie of the same. From the Cort at Aldermarston in Barkeshire this xxjth of August. 1592. Yours allweis assured William Burghley