Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.261r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1166/008
Date: 01 August 1592
Copy of: 0408
Later Addition: primo August To my L. Treasurer
May it please your good L. I had yesterday a letter from the councel of estate; that the enemy hath assembled 3000 in Brabant, which are passed the maese & proceed with all diligence to joyne with those troupes which were passed the Rhine, wherof in my last /later/ I wrote to your L. The same occurence /advertisement/ ys come not onely from the Councel & the Count at the campe, but from divers others in divers /other/ places, to the statesthat are heer. And though I see there ys some cause why I should not be to credulous yet the occurences are written from such parsons & places, as they cary greate apparance. But howsoever it be, I am pressed theruppon, & importuned very hotly, to consider in what jeopardy they stand for theyr army, if they should not have the help of her Majesties succors. For such are the passages that leade unto the campe, that either the enemey wilbe able to cutt of the carriage of vittailes unto them, or els force them to abandon theyr siege before Coeveorden; which if they may have the aide of her Majesties troupes, they hope they may prevent or els conveniently retire wthout any danger /dommage/ or dishonor. Upon the consyderation of theyr danger, if they should not be relieved, & upon the assurance that I have, through the knowledge of theyr humors, that if they chaunce to be distresed through the enemies attemptes, they will seeme to caste the blame, & that with bitternes enough, upon her Majesties ministers & pretend upon that letter, which was lately written to them, that her Majesty had no meaning to withdraw theyr her forces against theyr willes, I could not redely resolve how to give them good content & provide for all eventes, but by promising to write as I did to this effect to Sir Francis Vere: That being there in place, where both he might have knowledge of the enemies proceedinges, could judge what necessity there was of his assistance, I did not dout, for my parte, but with her Highnes good allowance he might drawe his troupes into the field, & also use them in some service, as far as in discretion & for the behoof /good/ of the state he should finde it nede/behoo/full. The rather in that regard that the winde is at the East, & that with token of some continuance, having lately bin at west for fol.261vEndorsed: To my L. Tresurer August 1 1592
divers weekes together. Againe the first commodity of a winde will bring theyr forces out of France, which are required to returne all excuses set aparte, with theyr speediest opportunity. They are alwaies as they were 20 companies in nomber & renforced of late with Frenche & with Switsers that they say that write from thence, that they are 1500 at the least, which will prove a fit supply in lieu of these Englishe which her Majesty requireth. And the very same winde that may bring us out of England her Majesties resolution, for dispatche of the companies will also serve for transportation of theyr /their/ troupes owt of France. Sir Francis Vere I do not dout will take so good a course as shall neither be a hindrance to the redines of the Companies & yet steed the contrey against the force of the enemy, & save our selves that are heer against theyr clamorous complaintes. And so alwaies in good hope, that if I faile in doing that which is best for her Majesty your L. wil excuse it with a good construction of my [care] to do the best that I am able, I take my humble leave 1 August 1592href=""