Letter ID: 1165
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.260r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1165/008
Date: 29 July 1592



Endorsed: To Master Depute at Middelburg July 29 1592



Later Addition: Belgia 1592 29 July To the Debuty at Midelborough

Sir. suche is my busines, which increaseth every day, that I can not answear as I would, nor so soone altogether, as yow may happely espect, upon the lettres of the Company. But I have receaved their lettres, and yours, withall the schedules thereinclosed, and to shewe you mine opinion, For as much as among the Articles sette downe between you and the marchants heere, there were some of them accorded, some rejected, some continued by provision, and some re- fered to the States, it will be requisit that you should specify to me which pointes you would have changed of your former agreement, with allegation of the reasons that doe move you thereunto: and also signifie distinctly, in what sort you do reqre that the States should proceede in the mater you referred to their determination. Withall in my conceat it were a very fitte course that the companie with a lettre from themselves should thancke the States for their former frindship and favour, and thereby put them in minde of their lettres and grauntes at your first comming thither and adde suche other effectuall mater as may serve to prepare them to consider of all thinges better: pro- mising therewithall that at the day assigned or shortly upon it, you will send ether fewer or more parsons hither, as they shall appoint, and desiring therupon to knowe their pleasure in that behalf. Your lettre I wil[[l]] deliver and accompanie with suche speeche, as I shall thin[[ke]] most convenient for the advancement of your cause. A[[nd]] so saluting you most hartely I betake you to God. At the Hage 29 July 1592.
