Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.259r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1164/008
Date: 25 July 1592
Later Addition: 1592 25 July To Master Bodly
Right Worshipfull daies past we sent a lettre unto you with oone from our government at London and soche copies as was most nidfull for the matter your worship haith in hand for us With the generall stattes: we hope the will deall well with the companey, and will give us all resonable content./Yf aney of the merchantes of those parttes should be apoynted to come unto the Hage against the tyme apoynted which is the xvth august next, and that you might understand the same, ytt maie Please you to sertiffie thereof, and then we will also apoynt some of our People to goe thether also to meatt with them, but yf none come thether, then we doe meane to send only Joseph Whiller to attend uppon your worship./ I having this good conveance have thought good to wrytt thes fewe lyns, ending with myne, and my wiffes, verry harty comen dations unto your worship, praing god to blesse all your good Actions./ Amen./ Midelborch. 25th July 1592. Yours to be comanded assuredly Thomas Ferrers Deputy.