Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.255r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1160/008
Date: 20 July 1592
Later Addition: July [[To Master]] Bodly
Sir I knowe not howe to Complaine, nor wheare to impart the fawlt, but strange yt is that since the rendring of Stenwick, I cowld never heare from yowe, but by a letter this daie dated the forthe of this moneth from the Haghe, which made mention of a purpose of the States and theire Armie to proceade furthe into Frise land, but respecting divers other lettres that have been sent unto yowe, both from hir Majestie, and from mee, and to the States also, for procuring of hir Majesties forces theare to be sent into France, for the service of Britaigne, and having expected sum awnsweare for the expedicion thereof, I am greatlie per- plexed that I can heare nothing from yowe: and if yt weare not that I hoped theare weare letters on the waie from yowe towching that matter, I showld be doble greved: And for the matter, I can add noe other reasons than have been howe neadefull it is to have the matter speedelie executed, and howesoever the States are bent to use theire owne forces otherwise, hir Majestie accompteth of this to be at hir Commaundment, spetiallie in a matter tending so much to the publique cawse of Christendome and namelie to the saving of the Province of Britaigne, from the full possession of the K. of Spayne./At the writinge heareof, wee have herd this daie by report thowgh by noe letters that Verdugo showld be taken unawares, coming with a dozen men onelie to have discovered the States Campe, which must needes bee to the great advantage of the States being well used, for therebie, yt is likelie, if the matter be speedelie taken in hand sum good maie be done for Groningen./
This daie also I have herd by lettres from Master Burnham, that Mondragon had levied a power, with an intent to have taken Breda, by sending 300 or 400 soldiers disguised like pesantes or workemen, himself bring neare hand with 3000 or 4000 men, and the disguised soldiers being entered the towne and dispersed, weare discovered taken, and putt to the sword: The two fort[unes] must neades cumfort the States greatlie and disgrace the Ennemie: and of the trewthe heareof I doe not dowbt but by your next lettres to be more perticulerlye advertised/ And thus with a trowbled mind for lack of knowledge from yowe I doe ende. hoping shortlie to be eased theareof by your advertismentes. from the Court at grennwych the 20 of July 1592 Your loving frend William Burghley
Postscript: I was not so long without hearyng from yow this xij monthes. I pray you Comend me to my L. of bedford and Sir Francis Vere./