Letter ID: 1159
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.252r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1159/008
Date: 19 July 1592
Note: On fol.252r the signature 'KK' has been expunged and replaced with 'Hh'.
Copy of: 0405


Endorsed: 19 July 1592



Later Addition: [[T]]o my L. Treasurer

May it please your good L. of my publicke dealing with the states, and with the Councel of Estate, to obtene their Licence for the troupes, which her Majestie hath required, I have written in my former as much as seemed needfull. Which tended all to this effect, that there is nothing in that behalf to be gotte with their good willes: and they thincke I doe them wronge, to presse them more precisly then the lettre of her Majestie. But I have spoken since in privat, with some of the chiefest, and debated upon the reasons, which I had publikly proposed to have moved her Majestie to tkake the benefit of her forces that serve in theese contreis, to witte, The great good assurance, wherto these Provinces are reduced, the necessitie of the Kinge for the recoverie of Britaine; the evident danger that may growe both to her and to them, if the enemey should possesse it; her desire to be served of exparimented souldiors, and to be eased in some part of the burden of her charges: for which respectes they might imagine, that she will not be refused, howsoever they shall pleade upon the advantage of her writing: and therefor wished them therein, to yelde nowe at the first, and that with shewe of som good liking, for that they sawe that at lenght they must yelde of necessitie. Though I have done my best endevor with these and other allegations, to induce them to my purpose, yet howe well they are parsuaded I can not yet deliver with any certaintie unto yow: but to signify my conjecture upon their answeares in conference, and upon the opinions of divers others, I thincke if her Highnes will make an absolut demaunde, though parhaps they doe not give an absolut allowance, they will be well enough content, to use no further opposition. Wherein I thought somwhat requisit to advertise my parsuasion, to the end I may the sooner be strengthned from her Majestie wth a cleerer lettre then the former. In the meane while I thincke there is gotten a very great point, in procuring the companies to be distributed into garrisons. And so I take my humble leave July 19 1592
