Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.223r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1150/008
Date: 25 June 1592
Later Addition: 1592 25 of June To Master Bodly
Right worshipfull: we perceive by yours of the 20th of this monthe that the states hav not made any aunswear to that parte of her Majestyes Letters concerning us, which was sent unto them by Master Burnham, thinking yt sufficient for her Highnes satisfaction to understand what had passed between their Drapers and us: And that for redresse of our alredy conceived griefes, and to prevent suche inconveniences as may follow upon the states suspecnded resolutione, yow advice us to sett down in wryting what we require, and how the contrary may be prejudiciall, offring upon knowlegd thereof your endevour for the advauncement of our cause: For all which we render yow our very harty thankes, and when we shall have received from Londone suche wrytinges, and Instructions, as we daily expect, we will not onely imparte the same unto yow, but be bolde further to entreat yow, to be aidfull unto us in one troublesome busines, which we acknowledg to have received no small furtheraunce by your good means and extraordinary paines taken one our behalfe: herewithall Right worshipfull we commend all your affaires to the gracious guiding of the Almighty: Middelburge the 25th day in June anno 1592. Your loving freendes to commaunde the Deputy and society of the Merchantes adventurers Thomas Ferrers deputy.href=""