Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.222r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1149/008
Date: 20 June 1592
Endorsed: To the Deputye and company at Middelburg 20 June 1592
Later Addition: Belgia 1592 June 20 The Deputies and Company at Midellburg to Master Bodly
Right worshipfull, that letter of her Majestie which was bro[[ught]] by Master Burnham was both delivered and answered about three weekes agoe. But to so muche as was concer[[ned]] your affaires with the states, there was no answear they returned. For knowing by the date of her Highnes lettre that she was not then advertised what order had bin taken between their and your Committies: and considering there withall that somewhat was concluded with your owne good liking, and a further time assigned for according other pointes which were left undecided they thought it war[[.]] sufficient to satisfie her Majestie. Howbeit to the e[[nd]] you may receave a full redresse of all your griefes, [[I]] doe thinke it expedient, that you should sette downe [[in]] wrting, what inconvenience you finde in this former pro ceeding, and how the rest of those pointes that are he[[re]] in suspense, being otherwise resolved, then you shall require may turne you to prejudice. And I will tak[[e]] therupon a fitte opportunitie, both to plead your excep[[.]] to your best advantage, and to urge withall that Article [[of]] the Ancient Treaty, with the house of Burgundie [[as]] it is alleaged by her Majestie. Wherof I pray you if [[.]] have it to send me the wordes, as they are in t[[he]] Article. And so assuring yow alwaies, that for [[.]] as I am able there shall no man in any thing [[be]] readier then my self to advance your desires, [[.]] all your actions to gods good direction. Hage [[June]] 20 1592.href=""