Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.221r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1148/008
Date: 12 June 1592
Later Addition: [[Bel]]gia [[15]]92 [[1]]2 June To Master Bodly
Right worshipfull: We understand that yt hathe pleased her majestye once again to wryte one our behalfe unto the States generall by one Master Burnhame, whether the[[y]] have made aunswear thereunto or not, or what there aunswear mighte be we hear not as yet, may yt please you therefore, yf there be any thing donne to advertise us thereof, yf not to hasten them forewardes, that knowing their mindes in tyme we may the better provide aswell for remedy or our greifes already conceived of that which is already provisionally passed, as also prevente those Inconveniences, which we doubt may accompanie their resolutione upon those twoe pointes, which yet remaine to be discided betweene this and Auguste./ Herein as often heretofore we are bolde in craving your assistance to be over troublesome, wishing that one our parte we mighte anye way be able to shew our gratefulnes for the same wherewithall right worshipfull we committ you to the protectione of the Almighty whoe prosper all your affaires. Middelburch the 12th of June anno 1592 Your worshippes at comandment the Deputye associates and generality of the merchantes adventurers. Thomas Ferrers Deputyhref=""