Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.220r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1147/008
Date: 09 June 1592
Right wurshipfull yours of the 2 present is come to my handes, parceaving that myne of the 26th last was by you Rxd, in the companey from London, doe most hartely request you, to procure an answer from the g. stattes of her Majesties last lettres, sent by Master Bornhaime; which answer being had, the companeye can best resolve, what wilbe there best course, to followe, theye living in hope daylye, of the stattes there answer, of which the dessier to have a copie. / god grawnt the companeye maie have good sucksec[e] in there busynes with the merchantes, which the stattes are to end./ abowt the xvth August next: I ame not only to give you thanck[s] for remembring me of Bergin, but for your worship generall good will wishing I might shewe my self thanckfull in part.
The Lord grawnt you good sucksece in your enterprice against sten[wick] I ame sorry that my good frind Sir Francis is shotte thorowe [.] and as I here the bone broke. as also for his brother who [was] shott thorowe tharme / I will pray for there good recoverye ytt maie please you to doe my humble comendations unto Sir [Francis] I did showe Master Wheller your lettre, who doth most humble come[nd] yf you have aneye good newes from the campe I pray you to [.] some unto me, for which I shall thincke my selfe much be[.] And thus to you, and Mistress Bodley, I and my wiffe doe comend u[s] hartelye, wishing the licke to yours. the Lord kepe you and all your doinges Amen./ Midelborch the ixth June 15[92] Yours most willing to be comanded./ [Thomas Ferrers]