Letter ID: 1140
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.201r-202v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1140/008
Date: 05 May 1592



Later Addition: Belgia

May it please your good L. sins the writing [of] my last the 2 of this moneth, upon occasion [of] some talke I shewed Master Buzenval, that th[.] the states should denie, to send more forces of [their] owne for the service of the Kinge, yet they cow[ld not] well refuse, upon her Majesties request, to send [a] thousand Englishe, of those that are appointed [in] the service of the feelde. For aswell her Majestie [.] might take of her owne subjectes in these countr[ies] and imploye them in France, without the licence [of] the states, as Holland alone had already [.] some bandes, of their owne repartition, withou[t] asking the consent of the rest of the union. And when the Englishe are away, they might happ[ely] be wonne, to spare as many of their owne: [.] that I thought they would doe litle, without t[he] assistance of our nation. To this he answeared, That by way of discourse, not [.] passing a moneth before, he had used speech[e to] Count Maurice, to the very like effect. An[d] that the Count made him answear, That he w[as] wholy of opinion, if her Majestie would be [.] for her owne people onely, that the states [.] not use any great contradiction. But [.] thinke therupon, that when the Englishe w[.] parted, they would doe nothing of the[.] to the annoiance of the Enemie, it was [but] an abuse. For said he, I remember [.] upon an other like occasion, I told M[.] in the open Councel, That although the E[nglishe] forces were drawen away from hens, [.] Messieurs les Estats ne laisseront s[.] faire la guerre. This was the [.] of Master Buzenval unto me. Whereunto [.] fol.201v
That undoubtedly the Count was greatly mis- taken. For I never heard him utter any suche kinde of speeche, nether privatly nor pub lickly: and that he might be well assured, if any suche mater had bin spoken in my presence he should not have caried it so cleanely away I must have pressed him to knowe, whether that whiche he delivered were his privat opinion, or the general conceat of the states of the contrey. For I was sure it would prove very welcome newes unto her Majestie. That they were able of themselves without her Highnes assistance, to maintene there owne estate. But howsoever the Count might have uttered this to him, I did not thinke that the states would cunne him any thankes, for any suche discourse. And as for me I requested, that he would certifie the Count, as much as I had saied: which he promised he would. The next day after he came unto me, and signified, that having told the Count, what talke I had with him, he could not well remember, whether [it] was to me, or to some other of the Councel, that he had cast out suche a worde: but he did not deme it, and yet he said it was but spoken in a sleight kinde of sort, and upon an incident occasion, and that he would not in no wise in- teresse the state in any suche assertion. Wher- upon Master Buzenval was urgent upon me, to lette it passe away in silence. Howbeit for that other point, astouching the states willingnes, to permitte the Englishe troupes, which are heere to be imploied in the service of the feelde, to be called into France, the Count did not doubt, but ra[ther] did assure him, that after the perfourmance o[f] fol.202r
enterprise on Steenwicke, they would be ea- sely intreated to lette them goe. This I thought expedient to make knowen to your L. And yet because Master Buzenval hath bin instant with me, not to take any notice of that which the Count had uttered in Councel, aswel for that I was so desired, as to the end it should not cause an over strangenesse between us, which might also be a lette, to the compassing of suche suites, as shall require or joint endevors, I could wishe it would stand with your L. good pleasure, not to lette /it/ to appeere that any suche mater is come to your knowledge. But yet to deliver my privat opinion of the speeche of the Count, because he longeth exceedingly to make himself great, and to be voide of controlle- ment, which is plaine enough to see by the course of all his actions; and for that the interest of her Highnes in the gouvernment of this state, by reason of the Contract, may alwaies be a bridle, to restraine him of his purposes, I doe therfor thinke for certaine, that he wisheth with his hart, that there were no Englishe in the contrey: Upon the hope of suche a time, and because his state will hardly stande without the special protection of some neighbor poten- tat, he doth greatly make love to all the Frenche nation, and so doe all that are about him of his frindes and folowers: which is continually inter- tened by the Princesse of Orenge, by Master Buzenval and others, and chiefly by the Kinge, by his often writing to the state, and to the Count, with diligent advertisments of all his actions and deseignes, which Master Buzenval procureth to be speedely sent hither: whome the Kinge hath also lately, by his spe- cial lettres to the state, appointed his Ambassador fol.202v
to reside in these contreis. Supposing [.] your L. would be willing to be informed [of] suche cariage of maters heere, I doe signi[fie] that unto yow, which I have every day occa[sioned] to observe more and more. I [have] sent yor L. heerinclosed the answear of [the] Count to her Majesties last letter, with which he al[so] sendeth certaine lettres to my L. of Essex, an[d] Sir John Norreis. But there is no deali[ng] with the states for any answear to that mate[r] till thei heare howe the King hath spedde ag[ainst] Parma: which is expecte every houre, and [.] upon the intelligence will addresse my self [.] unto them, for a present resolution. An[d] so I take my humble leave. From the Hag[e] May 5 1592. Your L. most humbly bouden Tho. Bod[ley]
