Letter ID: 1131
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.178r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1131/008
Date: 19 April 1592



Later Addition: 1592 19 Aprill To Master Bodly

Right Wurshipfull, yours of the 8th presentes I Rd by Master Whel[ler] gaving you most hartye thanckes, for the great care [and] travaill, taken in our affaires, which we have [.] parceavid, as well by your worships lettres, as by the reportt of [Master] Gilpin and Master Wheller, resting beholding unto [you] praing you, to thincke, that the Companie will not be alto[gether] forgettfull./ and I in particuler, doe acknowlig my s[elf] much beholdinge:/ wishing I might shewe my redyn[es .] few daies past, we did wrytt unto you alettre, th[at] ytt wold please you, to procure, an absolut answer[e] from the g. stattes, of that which you last proposed for here cometh maneye of theie merchantes, who are u[n] willing to bye uppon, these resonably conditions, [.] as yett dare yet, attending every daie the stattes [.] toleration, unto untill thinges be on both partes accorded [.] [refaring] both tyme, and place, for them to apoynt, and [.] wilbe redye to parforme all good actions./

to your woorship, and Mistress Bodelye, I and my Wiffe, doe mos[t] humbly comend us, praing the same to my good frind [Master] Gent, with your brother and dawghters. not forg[etting] Master Allen, god kepe you bothe with all yours./ Midelborche the 19th April / 1592. Hast./ Your worships most assured to Power[.] Thomas Ferrers deputy
