Letter ID: 1129
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.165r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1129/008
Date: 14 April 1592



Later Addition: 1592 14 Aprill To Master Bodly

Right worshipfull: we have received your letters of the 8th of this monthe: whereby, and by report of our Secretary we are thorowly instructed of the care and travayl, which yt hathe pleased yow to take one our behalf: for the which as we are moste thankfull, so we are hereby again to entreat yow to proceed and procure a resolution, upon that which we understand yow have proposed to the states generall at one request, which as we take yt being resonabl, and such as we make accompt as they cannot with aequity reject, we are persuaded will drawe draw from them a good aunswear, whereof the Magistrates of this town by letters received from Master Jan Vande Werck do put us in sure hope: The states aunswear to her Majestyes letters we have looked into, and finde that they have much mistaken themselves, and are misenformed in many thinges which they have wrytten: as for those difficultyes which we understand they put, they seem unto us of very small moment, and therefore we are content, that they shall appoint the tyme and place etc: and yf there be nothing concluded (whereof we will not be in fault) then the matter may stand hole one either parte, and before in the same state as before: and this is asmuch as we can see to be needfull as yet, tru[stin]g ear long the states will alter their determination concerning this place and us, and so we have our desire: which God graunt, from whome We wish yow all happynes and prosperity: From Middelburgh the 14th of April anno 1592:/ Your affectionate freendes at commaundment the Deputy and generality of the Merchantes adventurers: Thomas Ferrers deputy.
