Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.164r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1128/008
Date: 10 June 1592
Right Worshipfull, yours of the 20th [I] I have Rd, the coppie of which lettre [wold] for [.] send unto our masters to London, for that i[.] not [here] those thinges which you requier, I h[.] par last post Rd advice, that with the ne[xt I] shall Rx the coppie of them, which coming [I] [send] forth with send the same unto you, for the [.] of the next monthe is the tyme, which the g[eneral] stattes have apoyntid to end those undecided pointtes, against which tyme god willing we w[ill be] in the Hage, not dowting but they will parform[e] that which shalbe reson to our couttes.
And I doe once againe renewe my former sewt[e] unto you, praying that C worlocke, who [is] a captaine in Bargin maie be exemtid, and not to be sett done for one of the captaines which shall goe for france, yf any doe goe I ame movid to crave this favor at your hand[s] because this bringer my kinsman [John] Cokayn[e] is his Lieutenant, and yett not so skilful[l] in featt of Armes, as he dothe dessire and therfore not serviceable, yf he should goe for france: and yf he were, as expectt he is not, I knowe no man wold be m[ore] forwarder then this yonge man./
So your worship, I, and my wiffe, doe most [hartily] comend us, I pray you doe my humble com[menda] tions to my good frind Sir Francis Vere./ Whome I honer, and Love./
I have [read] the companeye here prive to [.] good will, of which we are genorosly assu[red] and yeald all thanckes, and will not altoge[ther] be unthankfull in dead./god kepe you, [.] [.] all your worships Acctions./ Middleburch 10th Ju[ne] Yours most willing to be coman[ded] assuridly Thomas Ferrers