Letter ID: 1123
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.133r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1123/008
Date: 1592


Master Bodley I thank you very hertely for your Letter which I receyved by the bearer heareof and am sorye indead that you weare not with the rest of the Cownsell, becawse in trouthe we have very Great neede of those Companyes which we sent to the Camp for now the nightes wax long and our watche is too harde to be contynued, the Enemy beeng so strong rownd aboutes us, and dayly presenting him self before us we are faine to be conynually in armes which makes our soldiers dayly Ronne to the Ennemy, wherof whether I have cawse to be jelous, and suspect what may be attempted I leave to you to consider, I pray you therfore with that carer that concernes her Majesty honner and service in this case to sollicitt the sending away of those tow Companyes assoone as without hindrance [In margin: [.] be that [comp]anyes can [.] Great Good [.]yce, but that [.] them heare, [. c]awse of [.] loss:]
to the service in hand, it may be, in the meane tyme I will be contynually uppon the walls and take the Greatest care that I can. Towching my Entertaynment, I doe thank you for your cownsell and indeed unles it be followed and seconded with Great care and wisdome I know the states will be very fol.133v
muche against it, I pray you therfore take [.] tymes, and asunder your self the Good you shall [.] procure me shall not be lost, nor ill bestow[ed].

Towching my accomptes it may be that heareo[f] some fitt tyme may be taken to procure me[.] arreareges but I will not deall in it until[. you] shall advise me,

Somewhat to requite your letter and the new[.] I thank Master Gilpin he sent me, I will not [.] to advertise you that the Duke hath taken up [.] Artois and Hennought the fifte [maie] some for [soldiers] and other for pioners, that he Draws /Levyes/ as many [ta.] ens as he can Gett that all the owld Company[es of] horse and foote that weare in these partes in Gar[rison] doe depart and new levied in ther places with which forces he meanethe to be in a readynes [.] middest of September to march into Frawnce, [in] the meane tyme hathe lefte Flawnders w[ith] the defence of it self, and all the soldiers to [.] by the fower members,

Then Master Bodley wishing you all happines and [.] I will Committ you to God: from ostend this [.] 1592 stilo novo: Your very ass[ured frend] Edward [Norrys]

Postscript: I have wrytten to Master Gilpin by the other messenger
