Letter ID: 1118
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.124r-125v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1118/008
Date: 02 April 1592
Note: This document is badly fire damaged.
Copy of: 0384


May it please your good L. touching that which you require, for some favor to be shewed to the Gouvernor of Ostend the smallest inclination of your pleasure therin is sufficient to binde me to doe my utter- most endevor. But the occasion thus serving, I can contene my selfe no longer from informing your L. that I have bin so ill requited by the Gouvernor and his frindes, for my frindly dealing to- wardes him, wherof this councel of Estate and many of our nacion will be witnesses unto me, as to tell your L. truly, I was uterly made careles what became of his causes. For besides his owne ill conceat and report of my doinges, his parents have inveighed most bitterly against me, at their open table, and in the presence of divers gentlemen of mine owne acquaintance. Upon intelligence wherof I advertised Sir Edward of the wrong that I receaved and refused therewithall to make or meddle with his causes, that depend before this Councel. Onely that which her Majestie or my LL. shoulde commaunde me, I told him I would prosecute, as their commaundement should import. Your L. may remember with what respect at the first to the Gouvernors credit and how ware ly I writte in all my letters unto yow, and to no other but your L. to prevent this present trouble, which I was sure must needes ensewe. And likewise to himselfe I writte as frindly as was possible, to persuade him to surcease, and to take some better course. Howbeit of as many of his lettres, as I receaved heere in answear, of which I thnke I have the most, to shew at this present I had never any from him that was pertinent to the matter, or to any pointe of importance contened in my lettres. They were written every one in generall tearmes, That he had done nothing without very good warrant, That the Councel of Estate did wrong him very muche, And that I shoulde doe him a greate pleasure, to thinke the best of his doinges. And likewise in his answeares to all the letters of this Councel, of which the copies are reserved, of as many as have bin written of one side or other, sins the time of his admission, he gave them allwaies just occasion of great offence against him, with using continually a superficial kinde of speeche, That they were ill informed of him, and that all that he did, was for the good of the contrey [without coming to particulars, to satisfie those matters of which they] fol.124v
complained. This made them utter oftentimes very pass[ionate] in terming all his doinges a meere deludinge and mocking [speeches] them and of the state: and also affirming that the lest [both of] his offenses, in a subject of this contrey, should be ca[pitally] punished. And wheras divers were desirous, to decree [against] him, with some rigor, it was doubted by some others, that it [might] be a meanes to make him mutine, and doe as Stan[ley did] at Deventer. And that imagination, I am certaine, [hath bin] the chiefest occasion of their not proceeding to some hard [resolution.] His case standing thus, it was not possible for me, to [do him] hitherto any pleasure. For matters were too evident, [to speak] in his defense, and to crave any favor, it was but in [vain] when he woulde never acknowledge, that he had injuried [the con-] trey, and submitte himselfe unto them, but allwaies s[tand upon] it, that he was wrongfully charged. In effect his [own ill] handling of his matters, hath bin so highly displeasing [to the] Councel of state, as I knowe not how they can be [ended] but to his or their discredit. But for my self, I p[rotest] unto your L. as I desire the continuance of your honor[able favor] howesoever I am abused by him and his parents, I will [set it] all at nought, in regard of advancinge that yow have re[quired] And if there be any meanes to pacifie these maters, [there] shall nothinge be omitted, that I am able to devise. A[s I recea-] ved in charge from my LL. of the Councell, I have [done this] Councel to understande, that by her Majesties order [Sir Edward] Norreis, will come hither, whensoever he shall be se[nt for, so] the time be fitte for it in respect of the Ennemie[. They] have made no answear yet unto me, nor I shall [not be] able to ghesse at their meaning, till they among th[emselves] have had some secret consultation. Hage Ap[ril 2 1592]