Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.120r-121v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1116/008
Date: 27 March 1592
Note: This document is badly fire damaged.
Copy of: 0382
Endorsed: [.] March 27 1592
Later Addition: March [To] my L. Treasuror
May it please your good L. The Emperors Am- bassador hath had his Audience of the states, who are nowe come together in competent num- ber. His demaunde was no other, then I have signified heeretofore, that his felowe Commissioner might have the Pasport of the states, to come safely to the Hage. Howbeit his speeches were quicke in taxing the assemblie, for suffering those of Brus- sels, and himself in this place, to attend so longe without an answear. There was nothing in wri- ting delivered by him, nor yet any thing required. For they are doubtfull what to doe, in regard of the people, among whome it is thought, that the copies spredde abroade of suche Propositions, will produce no good effectes. Nevertheles, there are some men sette a worke, about framing an answear: whiche will be negative alltogether, and yet contrived in suche sort, as both it may contene the reasons of their refusall, to hearcken to those Ambassadors, and likewise their desire to come to /a/ Pacification. Moreoever, as I suppose, they will resolve to send their answear, not onely to the Emperor, but to divers Princes of the Em- pire, and also publishe it in print.They are wholy heere busied, about making pro- vision to goe into the feelde: for which I thinke they will be ready, within a moneth at the furthest. Howbeit it is not yet notified, what the Provinces will contribut. If her Majestie hold her purpose, to persuade with the states, to imploie their forces this sommer in the warres of France: and to fol.120v
reserve no more at home, then for defens[[e of]] their townes, it will be needefull in my [opinion] to attempt it out of hand, and that the King [do] concurre /and that very earnestly/ in the self same petition. I hav[e im-] parted the mater /it at large/ unto Master Buzenval, [who] embraced it presently with a very good lik[ing] but perceaving often, as I doe conjecture [that] it would not be pleasing to Count Maurice [to] whome he would not be but pleasing, I doe [find] him a litle shrinking, and discoursing /alleaging/ again[st it,] alleaging that /That/ the Kinge may receave as gre[at a] benefit by the exploites of this contrey, as b[y the] use of those men, that they may lende him[. I] [In margin: But his arguments are so feeble, as they rather seeme to be sought of sette purpose then presented unto him in good discourse of reason]
should thinke it very requisit, in regard of [his] backwardnes, that some letter of charge from [the] kinge, or of advise from Monsieur de Nocle, [were] sent unto him. It is common[ly spoken] heere, that the mariage between Count H[ohenloo] and Count Maurices sister the Countesse of [Buren] shall shortly goe forward. And many men [imagine] it will occasion great dissention betwee[n the] two Countes. For the Countesse complain[eth that] her brother doth oppresse her, in sundrie [great] causes, which Count Hohenloo will not to[lerate] if he were maried to the Countesse, as he [openly] professeth. Moreover for these three or [four] yeres, the cariage and countenance of Co[unt] Maurice towardes him, hath rather bin un[loving] and disdainefull and framed to [depress him,] then respective to his qualitie, and /to his [merites] towardes his father and sister/ he hath done to his father, and to [his sister] fol.121r
wherat Count Hohenloo hath greatly grieved for a long time together: and nowe, as it seemeth, by the report of those speeches, that he hath uttered to divers, will take more knowledge of suche usage. It is supposed that [.] he hath secret frindes in this state, that are of good credit, and enourage him to this course. I can not /yet/ conceave, that this privat /division/ hartburning /between them/ will growe to that degree, as to hinder the proceedinges of the affaires of the state: but I am thorowly persuaded, it may turne her Majestie in time, to speciall good service, in many of her causes. I have ben earnest this day with the assembly about som order to be taken for the amending of their Placcart of Commerce of Spaine, to the effect of these notes, which I receaved from her Majestie and proposed unto them in october last: wherto by reason of their recesse, and [.] no assemblie till nowe, they cold make me no answear. I have also exhibited unto them her Majesties letter in the favor of my L. Willughby, and an other lately sent hither for the Marchants of Middellburgh: both which causes, I have solicited with all convenient instance. Assoone as I have their answear (for they require to thinke upon it) I will send it your L. &c. 27 Marche 1592