Letter ID: 1114
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.118r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1114/008
Date: 25 March 1592
Note: This document is badly damaged by both fire and water.

Later Addition: 1593 stilo Romano 19 March To Master Bodly.

Sir. Since the writinge of my other lettres [[.]] owne hand this morning by Sir Francis Veere yours of [[the]] xth of this moneth came to my handes, wheareby I und[[erstand]] (thowgh sorie theareof) that in fowre monethes yowe [[have]] not receveid anie one letter of awnsweare to divers of the [[.]] and yours but mine that lastlie I wroate to yowe, whe[[.]] yowe were much trowbled for your direcions in her Majesties [[.]] which to awnsweare I cannot otherwise than as I did b[[efore]] my last letter that I had sent your letters during the time [[of]] my long sicknes from time to time to the Cort. From wh[.] I [.] hoped yowe had recevid awnsweare. A[nd] as towching the matter renewed by this your last letter, [Sir] Francis Veere is at this time purposelie sent over abow[[t the]] same with lettres both to the Cownte Maurice and the Sta[[tes]] and Instructions for his owne proceedinges with them [[.]] with which he will acquaint yowe, and have your ord[[ers]] for the delivery of this lettres, and his proceedinges, whe[[.]] I will referre yowe and for this time hertelie Commen[[d]] mee to yowe./ From the Cort this xixth of March 1592 Your verie Lovinge frend William Burghley
